Quick question on a frustrating problem: I just lost a character in an artifact hunting accident. He gave the correct answer to the riddle, according to Bobbins and my prior experience, but “felt his life essence being pulled away!!” (which, let’s face it, is going to put a crimp in your afternoon). So now I have a dead character, and no artifact. Will anyone who answers the riddle die, or is the life essence thing a random response? Thanks in advance!
Mark Mills
GB 19, 99
There are a few riddles that can have characters die if they are of the wrong allegiance. For example there is a riddle where the correct answer is “Gandalf” but if a DS character answers it correctly, POOF, instant death. I don’t know all the riddles that are like this.
Originally posted by benmin18
[b]There are a few riddles that can have characters die if they are of the wrong allegiance.
Thanks, I was wondering if it was something like that: the answer was “Orome” and yes, I’m playing a Serv. But that doesn’t make me a bad person:)
Even if you’re the “correct” allegiance, there’s a shot at death for some (if not all…?) riddles. Referred to as the “death riddles” by MoS, I believe.