Kin Strife update

Originally Posted by Clint
[i]EO with hire-for-free? Sign me up. Even better, Easterlings with free hire or conjure mounts. Barbarian power!

'Think you’ll like KS then…

I’d love to be able to love KS

PS the hangin out is slowly killing me. I’ll be old and senile and won’t remember what i was waiting for. I wonder if they’ll have broadband in my nursing home [/i]

Okay we’re close to getting the print/process routine sorted. When that’s done we’ll test KS in house, then a game with feedback and then see about releasing it to players here. It’s slow but steady progress, nearly finished the artefacts {much harder but, oh so much more interesting to play, leaving new encounters to be coded and NPCs and we’re probably set… :rolleyes: As this will be a few months I’d advise anyone waiting to get into a new game - the income will help us bring KS out that much quicker! :wink: :smiley:

Clint (GM)

Any chance a test game will be ready for the next FTF?


Zero chance but I can show you the updates to where we’re at and they’re cool.



From my limited undesrtanding of kin strife… will it have similiar setup options comparable to 1000 scenerio… From name alone we get away from tolkien based purity that often overshadows the completeness of control a player has to his style of play that game. Something I like very much.

I know I desire greatly to play this game alot from what I have read… I hope for greater complexity than even the 1000 scenerio… As I even play Legend 2… I still find it difficult to Find challenges in 1650 any more… i certainly wish to always be a player of ME games at whatever number of games I can afford… Middle earth game system has always been one of the best run in the business… So hopefully testing goes well…


From my limited undesrtanding of kin strife… will it have similiar setup options comparable to 1000 scenerio… From name alone we get away from tolkien based purity that often overshadows the completeness of control a player has to his style of play that game. Something I like very much.

The answer is yes and no. Kin Strife is very much a halfway house between 1650 and FA 1000. There are 14 fixed nations with initial set up positions, but there are lots of options to switch things around and make the nation different. Therefore although there is a degree of default information available at game start, that information will probably be out of date. For instance the nation of Rhovanian has a character called Braccha who starts off as a 30 Emissary and 10 point Mage. However startup options chosen could turn him into a 50 Emissary and 40 point mage. With a limited number of points to choose from to improve your characters, pop centres, armies and SNA’s you have some tough choices to make.


As before…I’m still interested. count me in if you need test players or whatever…Rollin