Kin Strife

No, not the official thing:

Clint, what would it take to allow 2 players to take 1 nation each, clear the rest of the map, and go 1 on 1? I’m thinking SG vs NG here…


We could to it. The simplest way, and it’s what we’ve done for the All v All game is that we’ve left them in but not allowed players to attack them. That way the market stays sensible as well.


This might be an option then to settle some interesting scores… In fact, you might consider a Cage Match module…! Choose reduced map area ala your others (UW? BoFA?) and set up 2 nations along virtually identical lines where the players get the option to characterize them by Race/Nation. Wallpaper one as an Elf nation, the other as a Dwarf, etc. PoWeR play options at players request (All-Auto…). Get into a hissy fit over who’s the better player? Settle it in the Cage gentlemen and stop spamming my inbox in the meantime… :smiley:

What do you think?

Upto you guys. If you have a module and players who want to play it we can do it. One of my long term plans is to create a 1v1 game something like NK v SK with bigger nations. For now though I’m putting that to the side.


So when will we see the official thing? It seems to be taking longer than an MOD helicopter procurement:

I genuniely interested - how many years has Kin Strife now been in the planning and creation?

The problem has basically been that the conversion code has taken a LOT longer than expected and a pita. We’re on our 3rd test of the conversion code.

Sam and I (with Ed and Gavin playing Neutrals) are actually testing the balance of the gaem at present and should have turn 2 later today. After that we’ll do a test game with players, and then we’re ready to release the game to the general public. The game is ready, the module book, Excel sheets and system for setting up the game are done.

Its just needs some coding to get it to work now with the extra bits, specifically the new encounters (coding done - to be implemented), the NPC recruitment (and SNA gain) (coding done - to be implemented), Change allegiance (done - to be implemented). There are some other elements of DITCOP, but they can wait. It’s designed to be modified as the game is played out so it’s got an inate balance to it already.

Start of research was in October 04.

So apologies, once again, for the delay.
