Kinstrife 412 change

Hi All,
some of you accidentally got a sneak preview of this before it’s ready but we’re in the middle of updating the 412 order in Kinstrife to allow it to research multiple artifacts. The plan is to allow research of 1 artifact per 10 mage rank up to a maximum of 6.
The intention is to make the artifact chase in Kinstrife more interesting as the number of unknown artifacts in the game is putting people off looking for the artifacts scattered around the map at random.
I’m currently only planning on making the new version of 412 work in new games rather than intorducing it midway through games but I’m welcome any feedback or opinions.


Go ahead and let it rip if you want, it will make life easier than trying to remember which game uses which orders.

Right now, as you have noted, we all 412 the artifacts we own for the secondary powers and let the rest rot. I do suspect that the arty race will always be fairly muted given the limited powers of artifacts available in Kinstrife (most are +10 or so, so no big pop of +40 agent for getting the Ring of Wind). Its just not enough bang for the buck to run down a +10 agent toy, given the need to find its number, locate it, and then risk characters on spirits or hoping you know the riddle. .

There is something very much like the old artifact race in Kinstrife, but in this case its the NPC race (after all, why chase a +10 toy when you can chase an NPC that has 4 or 5 of the better artifacts. Gandalf has 60 points of mage artifacts, 20 points or emmisary artifacts, and gives you an SNA, for crying out loud! I might suggest making a few more juicy neutral NPCs (I already try to snag the blue Istari ASAP, and Turukulon aint far behind) and let the race take a new direction. Maybe some mercenary captains and hired assassins ready to join either cause?

Very useful, especially because the artifact powers change. Hard to build a curse squad when artifact X no longer provides Spirit Mastery.

Is there any thought to making this change to 4th Age games as well? Or is the FA1000 code still basically untouchable?

We can definately make this change when 4th age moves to the pc.
We’re currently testing the 1650 and 2950 ports to the PC in games between players and GMs to make sure the code is working as intended before we move onto 4th age as the setup routine will need to be coded as well for that to work.