Kinstrife Grudge match, team members and DS opposition required

Cross posted from the forum

Hi All,

I am playing Arnor in KS617 and learning lots!

Has made we want to play in another game as FREEPS (elves) applying what I have learned and ramping up the team co-operation aspect from the start! (I was learning too much to really co-ordinate with other’s setups in 617).

If co-operating sounds like you, ie we send the nearest player to get the artifact and not say, “Its MINE, on my list” then I am still looking for 2-3 players for the team. Chat to me. Need players that can self organise, help others organise, will talk and post turns to allies before even openning and looking at them themselves! :slight_smile:

Also, I am looking for a DS grudge team opposition.

Not rushing too much on setting this up. I want the right type of game!

Feel free to PM or reply here.

