Quindi had told us through nation messages the location if the new WiA capital, but I had more than my hand full defending against the waves of armies coming from Elendil and Castamir…
The new WiA capital was however on the top of my priority list once I would get a breather
We were already “working” on the new WRA capital with cursers and agents as you will know. But WRT taking it with emmies: sometimes it is better to let the enemy keep his capital, so you know where it is and where you can pick off the newly hired chars and empty the treasury
I never had any gold so couldn’t hire new characters anyway
Besides apart from the one commander you killed there at the end my capitals had been clear of characters from pretty much turn 8.
I made so many mistakes in this game being my first back after 13 years or so. Even when I was playing I never played a front line nation. Learned a lot that I hope to use next time as the WKA in gunboat.