KS update

For two and one-half years you have said the Kin Strife was coming. Any ETA updates?

it all depends on the conversion code from Mac to PC for KS. The game itself is ready to go, but we need to code some bits which take time. GSI coded the game in a manner that is now out-of-date, it’s code from the early 90s, so we need to strip out lots of the hard code and put it into more accesible format. This will enable us to look after the code long term. I don’t want to list the problems and issues here, but there have been some lovely unexpected bits of code to sort out. (I can see why Bill/Pete didn’t bother with many new encounters for 1000 for example!)

With limited time and resources we’ve had to prioritise activities appropriately. As it’s a big project then I don’t want to give an ETA, but I suspect the next few months… :rolleyes:

Some players have been stars helping out, so thanks to them for all their hard work, special mention to Gavin Kenny for that, but also to all the rest that have fed back on the format, encounters etc.


Look forward to it. If it is ME’s sixth team game, that will be a creativity indicator.

It’s all the above. It’s creative, it’s designed as a team game and for individual play and GB, but mostly it’s designed so that we can do something new that is updatable so that should work nicely.

New encounters, new orders, new points based-system, new SNAs, new character actions, new map… well you get the idea… :wink:

Indications show that the Alliance game is slow to fill, so it does look like team-games are the way forward for the majority of the player base but we’ll cater to all our players as best we can.


Only wish I had the time to get through it all properly. Have an idea and go start it when one of other guys on list trumps it and I wonder why I didn’t think of that… Am still casting the old eye over whats gone before and am wondering if there is a balance there. The problem is the 15 million combinations worked in which make setups interesting… reminds me of 4th Age where anything bar an entirely military or agent setup gets trounced although kinstrifew and the group forum has tailored a lot of those inconsistencies out… So good work there Clint and Kinstrife group…

We’ll have to see how the balance works out. It might need tweaking but we’ll see.

Started coding the new encounters so way-hay!!! :smiley:
