Looking for a challenge

Hi all. The circle of wraiths recently finished with a victory and are now game-less. (I don’t know why we are still a circle since there’s only two of us. Suppose it’s better than being a couple at least :slight_smile: Anyway we’re looking for a new game so if there’s any team or individual out there that would like to take up the challenge, let us know. I can offer you a lot of serious gaming (from Gixxx) and a lot of meaningless forum posting (from me - we’ve chosen to specialise :slight_smile:

Please send a resume, and photograph of yourself (preferably in a bikini - extra points if you’re a girl :slight_smile:


Winsten Wun Toof aka Rob


12 v 12?

what are you thinking? how long have you played?
i may be getting in way over my head…but…:fork:

Hiya Whitmal. Yes standard set up 1650 12vs12. Corsair and Duns Freep, Rhu and Harad DS (seems to give best balance). I don’t know how long I’ve been playing - about 17 years I think. About the same for Gixxx. Probably just means we’ve been doing it badly for a long time :slight_smile: We’d be a bit more successful than most so it would be at the harder end of the challenges you would get if experience levels are important to you?

Are you Brin?

Have Fun!


Are you Bryn?

Have Fun!


@ Whit -> These two know what they are doing. Just a warning…

@ Gixxx -> No, Bryn is Rommel88.

Also, if you want a 3rd teammate for the Circle let me know as it seems both of my grudge teams are out of business.

  • K

Hi Keith,
our two-player-grudge-team worked extreme well so far … but you still have your fans here, so I’ll send you an invitation.

Have Fun!


Well that looks like a triangle of wraiths now :slight_smile: We still need an opponent. Is Whitmal in at all? Does anyone want to play with us? I may have to resort to hanging a steak around my neck to get my dog to play with me again :slight_smile:

… and still in the need for a tough game?

Rob mentioned about 17 years of playing …
… don’t take this too serious.

We’re able to read the rule-book … but not much more.


Hi all. Looks like Bryn has picked up the challenge and will take the DS to our Freep. Be nice to go on the attack again :slight_smile: Cheers all and good luck with your gaming!