Looking to make contact

Hello Everyone,

I’m looking to make contact with anyone waiting for 1650 game#5 and 1000 game#43 to fill up. I haven’t played 1650 regularly in about a decade. My last game was about five years ago. I’ve never played FA before, so I am particularly interested in communicating with those who are planning to go DS in the 1000 game.

Reply here, PM or email me.


I just sent in my request to join a new 1650 game. Looks like game 05 is the one. How full is the game and who’s in it?
Rob S.

I am signed up for G5. Looking forward to spilling the blood of my enemies…

Most recent info on game status (Fri, 9 Dec 2005 18:01:26 -0000):

1650 2wk [Game 5]: 9 nations available. [20/10]