LOTRs help and hi

Hi everyone, pardon the intrusion im kinda new and not sure what all you get
here as far as e mails.
Im working on aproject, its relevent but I dont want to spam or clutter
things up for those not interested so ill mention it here then get on with game .

Greetings im kinda new here but wanted to say hi.
I think this is of interest so ill post it . Iv been in the SCA , Adria and
a half dozen boffer clubs over the years, Knighted, Duke yadayadayada.
Anyway some of us are toying with the idea to create a more fantasy society. I
hate to use the term LARP but our idea is basically SCA style so its a bit more
'grown up' and serious.
  If anyone here wants to help, at least just with the planning and ideas
... please e me off list
anyway thank you

Jerry _SirUlman@aol.com_ (mailto:SirUlman@aol.com)

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