Map with editing function

Hi there all

Does anyone know of a ME map program with editing functions where I can shade things, and basically mess around with it?

If you are reading this and saying “Bugger him, he’s dirty and smells like old people” I hope there are lots of birds flying over you today :slight_smile:

Helpful people can reply :slight_smile:


Winsten Wun Toof

Archon’s mapper can do this, if you can find it. It’s no longer supported, though.

JOverseer does this also. Find the Map Editor section and you can hack around with it (note: Right Click on hexes or Hex SIDES depending on what you’re trying to do…)

Beauty Brad - I’ll try that. I really just want to insert pictures of myself doing all sorts of interesting things on the map :slight_smile:


Winsten Wun Toof

Jov is too complicate for you?


Actually I figured JOverseer out and have been merrily scribbling over things ever since, not to mention knocking down mountains to improve the view, and erecting interesting signs describing gamers I have met :slight_smile: Actually I’ve been plotting known locations of dragons and have early on come to the opinion that they just go everywhere in the Misties, some stick to the mtns, some spread as far and wide as the H&R outside the gap of Rohan. Still, it’s fun drawing pictures. I’ve made a join the dots of those dragon locations which looks something like my 3 year old’s art projects. I’m going to branch out and make a frog out of a rock shortly …


Winsten Wun Toof