Can anyone direct me to a good article on how the market works with regards to the market limit and the order that goods are sold it etc? Or a brief explanation? I just haven’t found any solid descriptions of this and want to claify my understanding.
A. D., losing a bundle are we" I have already told you guys not to try and manipulate the food market until the late winter and early spring. But will you listen to me? Noooo.
Since you are an enemy of mine in one of them, I hope you don’t expect a decent answer from me. I have noticed how the FP39 have tried to manipulate the food market in 39 these last two turns. Please try it again, OK?
Actually, A.D., since your attitude has improved I’m willing to assisst.
The market is based on classical supply and demand theory. In the Dark Ages they still taught economics in the Public High Schools, which is where I learned it. From your word choices I surmise you are an accountant, or similar. So, you should be familiar with it. If not look into a college economics text book.
The reason why the FP39 failed in its food manipulation is because you can not artifically create a food shortage when every barn in ME is full from the harvest. Good luck in your other game–not 39.
I don’t know what was wrong with my attitude before? I thought I’ve been respectful throughout?
I’m an actuary. I understand tricksie numbers and economics pretty well. What I don’t (fully) understand is the order in which goods sell to the market and how the market sales cap is determined. (I have some idea…just looking for any good articles.) Plus, you never know when there is some minor game nuance that someone may point out. ie. like the army with 1 food tricks.
I’m still not going to comment on anything from 39, so quit fishing.