Market Sales Turn 0

Hy guys I’m doing some checking on the software for the code - I could do with some info.

i) What’s the most of an item a single nation you’ve played (or direct evidence - ie seen it) a nation has bought on turn 0 in 1650 and what was that gold cost?

ii) What’s the highest value of natsell that you’ve done (or direct evidence - ie seen it) with a single nation on turn 0 in 1650 as well?

Clint (GM)

Sold: Just shy of 25,000.

Anyone beat that? I recall doing 27k but can’t find the data.


32k of food in a current 1650

28k in a 1650GB

Last two games I have maxed out both sales on turn 0, but it took more than one product to do the max out.

I sold for 29,662 in one game and 30,081 in another game. Generally speaking it looks as if first turn nat sells go for somewhere around 28 to 30k.


What about purchasing?


Clint you might look at 1000 games for purchases. I have seen some games where a team buys out all leather on t0 to stop the enemy producing mounts. We did that in G49 as I recall and bid well above market price, so as a team I guess we spent the thick end of 50k, maybe more.

Per nation I’m interested in. Ie what’s the top end of purchases (in the form of gold spent for 315 and total product and gold spend in the form of 310) that as a player you’ve done.


Wouldn’t bought be easy to run by ME? You guys have a set amount of product that starts on the market - I assume that is spit out by the program. take product into available reserves and you can get a max that can be purchased by any single nation on T0. Or am I mising something?


It has always been my gut feeling that turn 0 sells you could get about 30-50% or so more gold before the market limit was hit. That could just be that the market is higher because of more gold held by a single nation (usually the EO) and it normally dose not go that high again unless a team would OBN. For this reason I always try to sell for as much as I can in games turn 0 if I’m DS, so when I grudge I try to have the whole team sell for as much as they can.

Here is an example of this, turn one sales for a DS team.

Dog Lord 2 sells for a total of 31,400 (limit not hit)
Cloud Lord did 5 sells and got a total of 31,588 (one sell did not go through limit was hit)
BS 2 sells 29,840 (not hit)
Ice King 1 sell for 31,525 (not hit)
QA did 2 sells for a total of 28,944 (not hit)
FK 2 sells total of 31,410 (not hit)
LR 2 sells 31,528 (not hit)
Harad 1 sell 31,380 (not hit)

Not sure if that info helps any but there you go.

John Lamulle


I wish to concur with these numbers others have posted… Max natsells run from 24-30 k in all games I have seen on turn zero orders… This is directly influence by need to name characters on turn 0 and pay for all nations getting to the max limit by turn 2…

I haven’t seen to many attempts for buyouts this early in game becuase they are simply to high risk to try until around turn 2 with so many nations trying to get to max buyout and take advantage of example Food selling for 2 on turn 0… even control of the market by FP to drop prices is a hot topic by teams to not overshoot there reserves to give DS something to make steal attempts profitable.

I see no real problems with way the markets work with the current rules in place…
