Two days before this turn is due and one of my teammates decides to drop taking two postions with him – We are scrambling to get these covered – but damn i hate when people drop without notice – its 11 to 11 and would like to keep it like that – haveing 3 drops on our side so far and one Bankrupt was a pain – just hope we can prevail if can’t get these covered !!
Well another turn is upon us ,
And it looks as if the Noldo company got away -- DARN -- was hopeing for at least one pointy eared dead -- Oh one did die -- Amroth -- a Sinda -- so will have to settle for the Noldos cousin instead -- Sinda , got to keep your guys bundled up those colds have a nasty way of killing them !! Am still getting in reports from allies so don't have all intel yet -- but looks to soon be 8 vs 11 , in your favor , if we can't get a replacement for those two nations i talked about -- that sucks as will put a crimp in our plans -- but then might give you guys time to recoup !!
By the way -- thank the Eothraim for me , as he sat by and watched us capture the Northman capital -- although his 400 troops would have been a speed bump anyways !! Northman out ?? Curious minds would like to know !!
Guess i will have to find a pop of his and uncover some secrets as we are getting no secrets the regular way !!
Mike -- LR
Well another turn has come ,
Whats this -- the freeps look like they have a coordinated attack going on -- Noldo on WK's capital and the Sinda elves with Characters and an army next to the Dragon lord capital -- Hey no fair -- we are trying to recover from and get some allies up to speed with players dropping -- can't you guys wait a turn -- oh forgot this is WAR !! No quarter asked and none given -- ok !!
Those pesky elves -- Elrond or someone i see has Reveal Pop center -- should have let us know and we would have had a reception waiting for you at 2809 !! Guess we will have to get a little pay-back on the Sinda this turn at his capital -- how's Ringlin feeling -- little under the weather -- we will give him a remedy this turn along with Taurnil and Lanthir !!
I hear the King of Arthedain is finally dead -- Argeleb has bitten the dust and in her grief Morwen committed suicide on the fort at 1920 !!
Hey Noldo -- i noticed that you don't have 0408 and 0611 listed as your MT anymore -- HMM , guess we will have to get someone or maybe an agent squad over there to check those pop centers out !!
Just when i thought this game was definately ours -- you guys manage to come up with some pretty nice surprises , way to go -- am still waiting for Elrond to make a mistake where i can help him rectify it !!
Can't wait for next turn -- wish this was a 2 week game now !!
Mike -- Long Rider
Well another turn is upon us,
Haven't seen all my allies turns yet -- but the Noldo/Arthedain have finally taken 1804 off the WK -- actually they destroyed it !! Good Job -- you guys are making this more and more interesting !! Looks like i get to fight the Arthedain also at 1905 -- couldn't wait a few more turns till i could get up and running here ?? -- guess not -- oh well guess i will have to do it the hard way and Bring troops from all the way East to the West here !!
Did notice the Dwarves lost -- think it could have been all his characters but one at his capital -- will have to go over old reports to make sure !! Will report more as i get it !!
Mike -- LR