Me 119

Greetings Free People ,

               Are you ready to conceed defeat ?? No -- didn't think so -- finally managed to run down some of those anoying small Eothraim armies -- so will be less of him running around !! See you had to revert to getting the Rhudaur capital by way of emissary instead of military means !! Enjoy it as we shall take it back soon enough !! Good game so far -- keep up the good work -- NOT !! 

             Long rider

Greeting free people of ME – what happened to the North Gondor in this game - he used to brag about us evils not taking any of his pop centers – he sure didn’t put up any fight when the Dog lord threathened away 2520 and 2619 and just lost 2622 to him !!
Eothraim – promised you that you would lose some of those armies you had floating around – two characters lost at 3120 thanks to Din and company and BS took care of that 700 plus troops on the village of Lest – what happened to Machared – did he flee after defeating the Dog lord at 2619 !!
Dwarves – your nation is getting smaller lost two of your starting towns to emissaries – gotta keep those loyalties up !! Wonder if a threat will work on 3916 – Hmm just might do that and save some troops !!
But seriously – great Job on the battle around Rhudaur – was fun looking at those turns and discussing plans with my teammates on it !! Didn’t see the emissary action till to late and then by the time we could get agents there to help out you had it – as you well know by this turn as you lost some characters at 2008 !!
Haveing fun and keep up the good work – please feel free to throw some barbs back our way – come on N Gondor i know your out there !!

                 Long rider of 119

Are there no free people left in this game to trade barbs with anymore !! Is this the end with another evil victory for Sauron or are the freeps remaining quiet and have some surprise plans yet to come to fruit – only time will tell !! We are getting at the point where only the die hard gamers are left and our teammates without the guts for the battle have dropped either to be picked up or thrown into oblivion – the out come is still not certain , will it be freep or evil to over come all , again only time will tell !!


It seems North Gondor is alive and well – one of his armies finally showed up on 1920 !! Freeps – told you you wouldn’t hold 2008 for long – should have took down the Castle while you had the chance !! Cardolan was the one to lose most of the characters for this past turn – wonder who will be the nation of the freep side this turn ?? Could tell you but what fun would that be :slight_smile: !! If any freeps still out there would love to hear from you – this game is turning out to be a fun one – if you didn’t realize or find it out by now – you should be looking at the Northman turn as Hoarmurath now works for me – Ice king is out – so sides are getting kind of starting to even themselves out !!

                MIke -- Long Rider

Greetings freeps ,

              Your friendly neighborhood LR checking in again !! Looks like the sides are finally evening up !! 11 vs 11 , unless you have somebody out on your side we don't know about yet !! you guys are doing a great job -- been fun so far !! 


As the Subject states this turn – Ouch Arthedain . After reviewing some of my allies turns – most notably the Cloud Lord’s It looks like Arthedain has taken the brunt this turn around from knives in the back by our ally the Cloud lord – I have 3 Arthedain , 1 Eothraim , 1 Northman as the count so far – if these guys keep falling on knives maybe you shouldn’t allow them to have them !! Can’t forget Cardolan – one dead as he seems to have caught a cold from somewhere – nasty things colds – healthy one minute – pushing up daisy’s the next !!

But kudo’s to Arthedain on taking the Duns capital – hope you manage to hold this longer than the Rhudaur’s capital :slight_smile: !!

And speaking of the Rhudaur’s old capital ::

This just in – whats this Elrond , Glofindel and Erestor – all pointy ears sited at 2008 – darn to bad we moved our agents out – wait a minute was that shine in the dark a dagger poised at one or more of our Elf friends – only next turn will tell :slight_smile: !! Till then – keep up the good work !!

                Mike -- LR

Greetings all ,

             Three weeks have passed already and looky here -- another turn is upon us !! I know there are freeps out there -- come on an post a little something -- feel as if i am talking to myself in this game -- well looking back at all these post i guess i am !! 
             It seems the freeps have at least a sickness squad up and going , same as we do but wait is that the BS mages casting curses on there own people to get there ranks up -- Leave it to the servants of sauron to us there people as cannon fodder !!

             Seems you shouldn't let Thranduil play with that nasty ole sword -- Troll slayer -- not only did he slip and fall on it but he must have fell on Nimrodel also soon afterwards !! Not to worry we shall most likely give it to the BS to drop in the Sea of Nurnen so no more freeps cut themselves on it !! 
               Ah -- Noldo -- that is no fun just casting sickness and throwing challenges around and then leaveing the party -- you should have stayed at Cameth Brin as we have set up such a nice reception -- am sure the Eothraim wouldn't have set up one as we have :) !! 
                PS -- any freeps out there please feel free to post -- it cost nothing !! 

                Mike  --  LR

lol mike…haven’t you heard taunting yourself causes blindness?

LOL – thought that was doing something else by yourself :slight_smile: !!

Well another turn is upon us and still no word from any freeps – know you guys are alive and kicking – or at least the Noldo are as they seem to be putting there sickness/agent squad to good use !! Amroth of the Sinda must be related to a cat as he seems to have Nine lives – think we lost two agents trying to whack him so far !!

Will have to look into one of our Palantirs and see where that Noldo squad will go to next turn to give him the reception they deserve – oh forgot Palantir’s don’t forsee the future – so will have to pull out one of our dusty crystal balls and see if they work !!

Northman – am a little disapointed – i come to your capital and thought you would provide a nice reception and you moved off to fight the Easterlings at 4014 – guess have to take the fort down a peg or two – make it easier on my troops when we decide to march your way !!



Just picked up Northern Gondor to amuse myself with (thus the corpse twitched last turn…) Think you have enough agents and armies crawling across Northern Gondor… or what’s little is left of it? It’s a bit scary to see the Citadel at Minas Arnor sabatoged (uh oh…).

Vaigag’s death saddens us all (sniff). In memorial to his loyal service a funeral will be held at Minas Arnor (no wait, parking is bad because of the Fire King convention)… er, Calmarie (no, Dog Lord troops there)… oh hell, just pitch the body into the Anduin and call it a day.

No please don’t go – will get the rest of the team to pull back – you just get into the game and actually take the time to write – can’t say the same for your other allies !! Know the Noldo are out there causeing trouble !!


Laugh! I was wondering if you were ever going to notice that I actually posted for your game, I was starting to wonder if you’d expired. As for your offer of having your team pull back, I graciously accept your kind offer.

We’re actually a very nice people in Northern Gondor, and we’re under NEW MANAGEMENT with a strict non-discrimination policy; orcs, trolls, goblins, nazgul, dragons, wraiths, they’re all welcome in Northern Gondor. Why, come see our branch office in Minas Arnor, we’re playing host to several thousand Fire King troops at this very moment, and sent one of our few armies under that pitiful sucker… er, heroic leader to go make him and Khamul feel welcome.

However, seeing as all beds are currently occupied, I’m afraid that we need to turn away all armies, agents, and nazgul who would otherwise like to tour the remnant of our fine land until a more convenient time-- come back in the fall or winter of 05’, I think we’ll have openings then.

(Anyone know a good bankruptcy attorney?)

Rhydon “Doormat” Northern Gondor.

Sorry it took so long to post – but just got back from Merry ole England just yesterday !! Had to take the Wife back to where she was born along with my Daughter to see all her cousins and relatives !!

Also – sorry to hear about the FK being all over you – he is the one teammate that we are not in touch with – so can’t ask him not to pull back !! The sides right now are pretty much even – 11 of us dark servants to 11 of you freeps !!

Just hope the other freeps are talking to you as i can’t seem to get any to talk here !! Know they are alive as we keep running across character and armies of the Eothraim , Sinda, Noldo, Arthedain, Dwarves, Corsairs and Northman – haven’t heard or seen much from the woodman, cardolan and the South Gondor lately !!


Greetings all ,

           N Gondor how did your turn go -- still in ?? Haven't gotten his turn or talked to my Cloud Lord ally -- but going by other turns i have gotten -- looks like the freeps are getting there act together and might have landed the CL a one - two punch this turn -- have to wait and see his turn !! If this is the case -- come on and brag and Gloat about it on the board here -- would love to hear from the freeps -- any freep !! 


Alas ,

It is true – the Brother Ring wraiths morn the lost of one of there beloved – The Nazghul Ji Indur – who suffered a nasty sickness due to those pointy eared Noldo Elves – Our retribution against Elrond and his Kin shall be merciless !! DEATH TO ELROND !!

              Din of the LR

Greetings all ,

Well another turn has come and gone and going by preliminary reports about another 4 freep characters have bit the dust !!

But wait – is that 3012 that was just hidden and is that the Noldo squad in that hex with a bunch of our agents – The evils side is grinning ear to ear right now – our first shot at Elrond and company – YES !! Now just have to slip a dagger past to get Elrond or do we go after some of the others – decisions , decisions !!

Darn – the Blind Sorc now has a fully fuctional and operational curses squad and the BS is a little disappointed that the first one to catch a cold will have to be a Sinda Elf instead of a Noldo – oh well an elf is an elf , so they say !!

Since i am spilling the beans somewhat here – mainly hopeing to finally get a response from some freep – this also just in – the FK has missed two turns and thus is gone – if the North Gondor player that picked up the postion is still here feel free to respond as he now has the time to regroup if we can get a replacement !!

          Mike -- LR and BS

Come on Free peoples-- make some noise here and reply !! – its 11 to 10 now in your favor !! Oh – noldo see you got the Mantle back at 1917 – should have stayed to look for more arties – we lost two agent arties there but have them back now – CL lost a total of 9 arties at 1917 !!

Sorry, I don’t always notice when you post, I’m too busy concentrating on breathing.

  • Northern Gondor

Got Bad news – one of my team mates wanted to pick up the FK and so he did – looking over the turn – you should have a turn or two until he reorganizes and then moves out !!