ME 1650 - Game 98 - The Fall of Darkness

Greetings to the Free Peoples of Middle Earth.

I, Lord Teldumeir come before you to confirm that the Servants of Sauron will bow to your will and surrender to the judgement of your surviving peoples. Although the vast armies of darkness marched forth to crush the realms of men, elves, and free peoples alike, we were unsuccessful in bending you to the Great Eye’s might.

While I would find it interesting to see how your peoples plan to launch an assault against the heavily fortified Havens of Umbar, I see no alternative but to surrender the armies of the Corsairs and admit defeat.

Your team fought well and I look forward to seeing you in future games of MEPBM. :cool:

Cheers & Congrats,

Greetings Teldumeir

We accept your surrender. Of course we will demand that all induviduals that fought under the Eye will volenteer for beheading.

  • Argelrond

Hi Peter

FINALLY! :wink: I must admit that you guys takes several prices. The first for being the most uncoordinated but at the same time putting up the hardest fight. The second must be to keep fighting for 20 turns against a quite certain loss.

Did I disband Falturs army? I must admit that I didn’t count on that assas to go through. It was a 60A/39St that did it. Stealth is really nasty :frowning:

I agree that it would be interesting to see how many turns you would last. But as you propably know, you were next in line.

Have all DS players mailed ME and confirmed that you surrender?

Well played and see you around :slight_smile:

  • Jeppe