ME 47 nation available

Due to a last minute drop out I’ve got a place available. Does anyone fancy picking it up? The nation is yet to be designed so you have a great chance to get straight into a game. I’ll offer a free set-up as incentive.


Clint – ya didn’t say which scenario this is – 1650 , 2950 , 1000 etc – sounds like 1000 with designing your own nation – I am not up to speed on that scenerio

Do it anyway! What a chance to learn! :slight_smile: I wanna get going…

jz in 4th age gm 47

Clint – ya didn’t say which scenario this is – 1650 , 2950 , 1000 etc – sounds like 1000 with designing your own nation – I am not up to speed on that scenerio

For clarity.

2950 games start with a 2
Fourth Age, 1000 game start with a 4

The rest are 1650.

Design nations are 1000 only at present until KS comes out.

Oh yeh and the nation has been taken. :wink:


Didn’t know that :slight_smile:

Okay so we’re looking for another player here. Any takers?


Well, What the heck is going on…are certain nations unenthusiastic about their placement on the map? :slight_smile:

c’mon guys…I wanna get moving…hopefully not pasted immediately though…

Jz #???

Agree. There’s been what? 3 drops? Why sign up if you’re not willing to follow through?

If wasn’t a 1000 game I would jump in to the last spot to get it going , but 1000 I have never played before !!

I volunteered but was told it’s full. so be patient guys… the new players need to do nation designs

Sometimes they take so long to fill, the original players have gotten married, lost their jobs, and forgotten their account numbers… :wink:

Then clearly they have their priorities mixed up…

“…and I had to tell her…look woman, gaming comes before my job, you, this moving business…”

And as she left with his pink slip in hand, she said, “By the way, you won’t have to move; I am leaving with (so and so).” “Be sure to tell those guys you really put your foot down…what a laugh.”

“No chance for a “for old time sake?” rendevous?”

The look said it all.

And so another gamer has given up everything to play Middle Earth war games.

