Are any of you still playing ? Big Ed found his turn suprisingly
good, as Amroth was gutted by Wodur and his huge army did nothing; dwarves move off 3109 without a peep. Some armies/characters did not appear to move.
The Eothraim, Woodmen, and we guess the Dwarves and Northmen are out. It’s only going to get worse; my agents are getting more numerous and much better. How much of a beating do you require, you masochistic sickos ?!?
I’m pretty sure we’re all out. It seems that our consensus may not have been a complete consensus in the eyes of MEGames, but I think that’s getting taken care of. I apologize for the wasting a turn for you guys.
Your a very gracious opponent. Both times I’ve played against you, you’ve been a class act. Thanks for the good games, I know your string of bad luck will end soon.