ME 98 12v13 game

Good luck in the game Scott. Should be an interesting one…

1650 Grudge with East/Har/Dun FP and Cor/Rhu DS (1910 fortified Fort)

Clint (player)

this will be a very interesting game.


Winter start?

Winter start, summer start–all I wanted was a start. Who knows what will happen, having the extra nation (Easterlings) will allow me to not get totally slaughtered in less than 10 turns. Now I might last 12 :smiley:

Hmm – Playing with the extra neutral nation gives the freeps and advantage doesn’t it ???

I would give the freeps an advantage is the playing skill was equal–it’s not, the DS still have the advantage.

First turn is back and it’s interesting. VERY hard game - we’ve got some interesting variants, forced on us so that should be… welll interesting really… :cool: :eek:

Clint (player)

Every game is hard for me, I just struggle along–most of the time reacting instead of acting. Hopefully, this time I’ll act a wee bit and have them reacting (I really doubt it though). :o

It was horrible at the pass,
woe is me…
but, other places are looking ok,
and some are looking not so ok.
Clint, how bout leaving the poor Easterlings alone? :hug:

Yeh - stop picking on the Dragon Lord and we’ll stop picking on the Easterlings.

Clint (playing the Dragon Lord!)

So, you’re saying that it’s a trade, you knock off the Easterlings and I’ll knock off the Dragon Lord–sounds good to me:D

Um - maths used to be my strong point but at that rate … tell you what you go first… ;):smiley: we might then return the favour… :cool::stab:

What is that Harad navy dong @ 3034 btw? Catching the SG navies twice now - nasty. 3rd time the charm isn’t it?

Outside Mordor - Easterling armies - nasty. Not quite sure how we’re going to hold off the hordes there and 3024 but we’ll see.

Nice over-run with Gothmog uh? That would be two NG commanders snuffed and no icons… OUCH.

Clint (player)

That’s why I said that It was HORRIBLE at the Pass. I guess you did that old proverb, “Head them off at the Pass.” Yes, you did, killed the poor little buggers too, good job. But, I did get an emmy at Cameth Brin. So, with my two hostages, I’m still up one.:wink: Well, that’s until you bring in the agents, where are they by the way? :stab:


  1. I suspect that you already know.

  2. If you don’t I won’t say - or if I do it will be either truthful or lies.

  3. Consider them an early Christmas present.

Clint (player)

  1. The only way I’d like 3 is if the agents are either dead or handcuffed–can you do that for me?:slight_smile:

  2. Number two is number two (caa-caa):frowning:

  3. This one is good, do I know?:confused:

No reply from the bad guys. Do you think my brilliant opening moves scared them into submission?:smiley:

snore… oh sorry were you speaking to me? :wink:

Busy with stuff - will attempt to taunt you at a later date.

Clint (player)

Pretty easy to taunt me, I’m not a very good player. But, I AM a determined one.

Again, the Ithil Pass is the death of more Free Commanders, a curse and an assassination–Eeek, what’s will happen to my poor characters?

Ithil bad for the Free, Osgiliath still in good hands (not Allstate though), but big bad guys to the west.

Angmar is a bloody mess, but the good guys are making it there from the south and Rhudaur will soon be in dire straits (maybe???) :confused: .

Dol Guldor belongs to the Eothraim, but durn it, Maben revealed Cerin Amroth!! :frowning:

I hope that line of armies across the east end of Mordor is costing ya’ll a lot :rolleyes:

Perhaps you’re out of navies in the south, I got more!!!:smiley: Vamag could be mine soon :slight_smile:

Overall, no clear advantage anywhere for anybody (as far as I can see).

More to come…

Bit of a horde coming down to Thuringwost this turn - nasty.

Vagaig got a back-up? If not then ouch.

Is that the SG navies running northwards that I see? Nasty again… East well the Easterlings are going to take a bit of a beating with 4228 lost this turn. Nice hit @ 2715 but what happened @ Goblin gate?

2514 this turn and then onwards… not sure what you’re going to do to stop that horde now (well we’ll see - a lucky challenge might do it…)

Yes, very interesting game, as soon as one horde is dealt with another seems to turn up.

Clint (player)