ME game 63

Couldn’t find the Old thread – so am starting a new one !! Noticed the freeps haven’t been writing and bragging for awhile – oh could that be cause they are short the Eothraim and North Gondor players – yes the Noldo managed to take out the Rhudaur – actually we could have given him a back-up but after running the numbers he would have been 2000 gold short and bankrupted !!

Bet the dwarves didn’t like there current turn – he lost practically his whole emissary squad led by Fulla !! I am getting tired of killing Harad and Northman characters – time to head north i think !! Awaiting allies turn to see how this turn is shaping up !!

Actually I bet the Dwarves don’t like their last 3 or 4 turns, they seem to be losing characters for fun. I’ve lost count of how many have died or ended up in my or other various dungeons. Though thats what you get for sticking your bearded head where its not wanted :slight_smile:

Seems as if the freeps have lost there voices – remember when they wouldn’t stop writing on the message boards – oh how 10 to 15 turns do turn things around !!

Not lost our voices…a little bored and trying to work our interest in the game back up. As for the NG loss, I have to take the full blame and give you all no credit. I forgot to move a character to make the sells I needed…also I will give the evils credit…the fact that they allowed my commanders to get to 85, three of them shame on your assassins. Still have very little clue what your cloud lord is up to. Does he only have one killer? I think we have more assassins then he does. Ohh, yes we see where Ji Indur is every turn …lets say unimpressed. Considering you guys should have us in the bucket since we are outnumbered and most likely currently outgunned…you guys are not doing so well. So honestly I wouldn’t start bragging…


PS Still in the game…hahahaha

Serra ,

    The Cloud Lord hasn't even been in one N gondor pop center -- didn't see any reason to as there threat was over around turn 5 !! Going by you not seeing any of the CL agents -- i would guess that you freeps don't exchange your turns as us evils do as i having been putting at least 4 free chracters under the knife each and every turn for the last 6 turns i would estimate !! Am tired of killing Harad and Northmen characters , not to mention a bunch of stunted ones last two turns !! 

Ji is under the direction of the WK and where he tells him to go – he goes – WK is after all the strongest of the Nine :slight_smile: !! So far have been unimpressed with the freeps play – seems as if no one is working together and by your post it confirms it !!

Not exactly my darling, you miss the point. My point is that your deaths have had little effect on our side and as for being unimpressed welll we can say the same over here. If the WK is your strongest player…well that says alot as cardolan and arthedain are still in the game and your rhudar isn’t You managed to sway the rhudar to your side in most games where that happens The evils own the north…can you say that you do…I would say that is one of the two areas you do not own. So the WK, wins back his pop centers we take them back and back and forth they go…that is not winning the north.

As for turn sharing dear we have been sharing since turn 0 can you all say that…

As I said about 10 turns ago…stop trying to BORE us out of this game.

If you are playing the Cloud Lord…you are not doing a good job…I have no fear sending my characters into any pop center a good Cloud Lord would not make you feel that way.



4 characters a turn? Where are the rest or your characters don’t you have 21?


Is it over yet, :slight_smile:


But we are inept, incompentent, and boring. Looks like a winning combination to me.

Dragon Lord

Well, than we can enjoy another 36 turns. As no side has the major advantage.

Sinda G63

Freeps have been awful quiet – could it possibly be the last two turns – seeing as how the dark servants now own all the agent arties – if i missed one please let us know so we can locate it !! Not to mention the fight is now in there territories and not ours !!