Me32 - still going strong

Wow, it’s turn 62 and game 32 is still going strong :smiley:

Turn 63 and I’m still not dead yet.

What nations are still in the game? Is victory still in contention?


Are you in this game ? If so then there are orders available in MEPBM that can tell you which nations are active.

If not well the DS had 4 neutrals join them yet they currently have less nations than us.

I’ve no intention though of providing anyone with a list of Freep nations active as that means less orders that the DS need to use in order to get that information…something they’ve been trying to do with emails for the past few weeks.

Brendan McGoldrick

More’s the pity… :slight_smile:

And to think I was the one neutral that joined you lot.

sniff some gratitude that is!

Yay, game 32 ended today, with a Free People victory on turn 65.

Thanks to the Dark Servants for the good and long fight.

The Free People had 8 nations still active at this time. We lost the North Gondor, South Gondor and Dwarves, the Dunlendings allied with us, the rest of the neutrals went Dark.

Top rank is Mike Absolom’s Arthedain.

Lots of thanks for Brendan McGoldrick and Steve Pickering for all their work with coordination and data gathering :slight_smile:

Øystein, Cardolan

Phew. Finally it’s over on turn65. As Oystein said we lost 3 nations but the DS lost alot I believe. Perhaps one of them can confirm exactly who but we knew that WK, DrgLord, IK, DogLord, CL, Dark Lts, Rhudaur were all out.

The game started normal enough. We were totally smashing Mordor. Burning 3122, 3221, 3224, 3423, 3426 etc very quickly. I think the DS were reeling and perhaps considering their chances of continuing when 4 neutrals joined DS…only Duns joined us…and boy did they smell.
The southern neutrals quickly knocked out SG by bankrupting him which totally changed the game. NG soon followed.

THe one ring got found twice or three times by the DS, I can’t remember now. But got dropped before it ever got to Mount Doom.

Oh and I was playing Eothraim and Northmen from the game start.

well played to all. Definitely one of the most enjoyable 1650 games that I’ve played.

Only gutted that the Duns finished higher than me…arrrghhhh!!! :slight_smile:

Brendan McGoldrick

ps is 65 turns long now by today’s standards ?

Great game everyone, very enjoyable 65 turns.

It was a very close game at certain points, I can think of a couple of occasions that the DS nearly knocked me out of the game.

Very chuffed that my brave nation of dung people showed those dirty horse boys from Eothraim what for and creamed them in VP’s :stuck_out_tongue:

Dear FP of ME32

It was a good game (my second started, but I have finished 5 others as we played).

I thought I would give you the lowdown on what happened to us DS and such over the last couple of years.

The early game was marked by players dropping without notice and the Rhu folly. I think it was about turn 5 or 6 the Rhu said he had 4500 troops and he would join us if we would back his attack on the Dun. I marched his army down, burned the Dun capital and went bankrupt the next turn. The next turn the FiK player stopped playing without telling us (his naiton was later picked up by our IcK “water boy”). I think it was about this time you all invaded Mordor and burnt many Major towns and capitals. It was about turn 15 or 16 when the “water boy” stoped playing his nations without telling us, but some how we were able to fill these positions without lossing the nations.

The game was only saved by a great diplomat in the form of our QA who recruited the Harad, Cor and Easterling. Due to the breakup of a Marrage, the outbreak of war in Iraq and some prison time ending we lost all but two of our origional Players (Me, BlS and M. Gotzl). All in all your team played well and we had to keep filling in to stay in it.

The closest we came to winning was when we had the One Ring twice, but our very powerful mages were not able to bring it home. I think the most effective attacks you made were in the last 20 turns killing so many characters. My nation, BlS was almost totally eliminated when we tried to deliver the one ring and all of my mages were killed on the hills of mt. Doom (I was down to 4 characters at one point). Anyway it was a good game and I hope to see you in future games, it was fun.

Scott Wilbur
BlS (T1-65)
WiK (T20-25)
Harad (T45-65)

Scott, you guys played a great game, doubly so with all the hassles you had to endure.
It was a very close game, there were definitely times where we were contemplating defeat at your hands.

I was very nearly knocked out of the game when Rhudaur destroyed my capital, only a dragon and the generosity (gullibility) of the FP saved me.


Thanks for the info on the DS side. As Brendan said it was a very tight game and I thought we were losing it a couple of times. Especially when all 3 southern neutrals joined the DS to balance the game. Know we had a few armies in Mordor at that time and causing some problems but that came as a nasty shock. Especially when you then kocked SG out. The key blow was a QA suicide attack on 2227. Been wondering, was that a desperate measure or careful planning. Especially freustrating as 20k in gold arrived the same turn, just too last but at least SG took out the Corsairs fleet just before they went. [That was the 1st Corsairs fleet. Unfortunately the 2nd just managed to burn 0708 before the DS dropped :(]

I’m using the royal we there. As a new player and safely out of the way in Lindon I had very little to do with the initial attacks. Quite a 1st game but I’m taking a break until the new year before resuming combat.

Also interesting in getting some idea when the early DS dropped. Hopefully this could come about from an exchange of info - one of our people hopes to gather all the pdfs and as many as possible xmls. Know we burnt the IK capital but he seemed to be about the turn after and never did noticed when the DL went under.

Also thought you were winning when you hounded NG and then the Dwarves to destruction but presumably that was when you had some of the personnel problems as after that we seemed to get some of the initiative back.

Anyway, thanks for a good game. Just hope my next one doesn’t take quite so long.

"Due to the breakup of a Marrage, the outbreak of war in Iraq and some prison time ending "

–Those are pretty good excuses for dropping…better than my dog ate my pdf anyway…


About the QA attack on 2227, I seem to recall that that player knew he would get his army killed on the walls but he figured the loss of taxes would hurt, we know from our agents that he did not have much gold so he went for it. I think we (the rest of the team) where very surprised when we found out his plan worked and the QA was knocked out.

I would like to make something clear. We did not lose because people droped, we lost because you beat us. It sucked to try and fill in postions over and over again and a few time it really messed with play but in the end your team was just able to keep more nations in the game. The only real bad time was when the IcK/FiK dropped. He SS 3 turns in a row (about turn 10-13 I think), telling us he was still playing so we finally forced him out.

With respect to the PDF’s I do not have them anymore, sorry.

Scott W

Wow, its over!!

I was only part of the game for a few months. I picked up SG/NG several turns in and of course, was running them when SG went out…for which I am still suffering much abuse. A great move as I didnt expect the QA to bounce my walls. (of course, Brendan promised me that the Southern Neutrals were leaning Free too…so he obviously set me up to fail! ) :slight_smile:

NG was certainly mauled after that. I changed capitals I dont know how many times and at one point only had one commander left, so things were looking dicey.

Unfortunately, I had to give the game up due to real life issues, that was sometime during the point where NG was left with only a handful of pop centers in the NW that Arthy and Cardi had graciously allowed me, so I could form my government in exile! I have no idea what turn that was…

But glad to hear my former comrades of the FP side pulled it out…even with the Duns on our side!! :slight_smile:

Formerly NG/SG for a spell