ME95, Dunedain Peace initiative

Has a ploy to buy the FP some more time the Dunedain of Middle Earth are offering the following proposal for peace. In order to save lives and property we offer to end hostilites. Terms are has follows:

The Dunedain will offer the following:

  1. Cease hostilities and withdraw all forces in northern Harad
  2. Cease hostilities and withdraw forces in Angmar
  3. Concede Ithilien to the dark powers
  4. Concede NG Holdings in Rhovanion to the dark powers
  5. Withdraw any current or future aid in the Mirkwood theatre of war
  6. Withdraw all NG forces east of the Anduin
  7. Sign a peace treaty with Saurons minions and his evil humans servants.
  8. Acknowledge Sauron has overlord of Middle Earth and pay him a yearly tribute of 10% of GDP

The Dunedain would like the following:

  1. Rhuadar
  2. The remains of Southern Gondor
  3. Treaty stating the dark power will never cross the Anduin nor its northern tributaries nor the Misty Mountains.
  4. Allow the dwarves to remain in their holes and dig

King Tarondor of Gondor and
Prince Pelendur for the Cardolan Dunedain Confederacy

This treaty has not been accepted by King Argeleb of Arthedain who has not been contact.


Dear future dead King,

I for one, would like to laugh in your face, politely and gently. I can’t speak for my fellow Nazgul and associates, but I’m fairly certain we’d rather see you rotting and stinking than haggle with you. Don’t be scared; you hold still, it’ll all be over soon…

I got me three more trophies this turn; an Elf, A Dunedain, and a Dun. Keep 'em coming boyz, I’ve got plenty of room left in my trophy room.

Ji Indur
Grim Reaper-in-training


  Big Ed not does understand these ramblings.

  To summarize : Are you guys calling it a war and dropping,

or what ?

Big Ed Velveeta

Originally posted by leonidas
… it’ll all be over soon…

Well that is certainly true.

Originally posted by Don Palmer
Are you guys calling it a war and dropping,


Seems that Middle Earth will now have the pungent aroma of velvetta cheese spread upon it.
Nickeoder (now really smelly)

You can’t quit at least until you kill Khamul! In fact, I’ve talked with the team and we offer a unique victory condition. Kill him off, and we will conceed as a team like a one-ring victory!!! It is like playing wack-a-mole. Can YOU be the one to enter mordor and find khamul??? The player playing him is very adept at hiding him. After killing khamul, you have to kill all the other nazgul in sequence starting with the dog lord, through the LR, and finally back to #1 the Witch king.

Besides, what about our one hex a turn north time clock in the pass, your artifacts, the attack in north harad… These were good times!!!

See ya,

Dear Mr. Noldo Elf,

You promised not to quit the game until you had killed one of my characters off.

As you have not done so, I request you keep your word and fight on.

Thank you,
Ren the Embattled