Does anyone know where I can download the most recent version of MEAssist?
The developer as gone MIA - hasn’t been an updated version since last summer. There are serious errors wherever a pop (character?) has an accent on a letter (ie Maros…). Unfortunately, MEAssist is an excellent start towards an unfinished and thus mostly useless product.
Having lamented the apparent loss of RS from this community, I cannot provide you with the spefics you’re looking for beyond whatever the MEGames downloads site might offer.
Didn’t we need to convert xml through MEassist or Palantir, to use the OC 3.6??? I have OC3.6, haven’t used it in a while, but can’t use the sent xml’s??? I have MEassist 310 , just send me your e-mail address, and a check for $99.99, LOL just kidding about the check,
The developer went MIA? Did he drop out of the game, or something? Does anyone know him RW?
Or “in the meatworld”, as my little brother puts it…
I was working with him to do some testing and provide some recommendations. He was quite responsive and happy to have someone take a fresh, detailed look into it. Then I never heard from him again since around September… Have pinged him a couple times to no avail. No activity on the MEAssist yahoogroup, etc.
Convert xml…? Don’t worry about OC Paul, you don’t need to bother…
Yeah, your right, you guys will raise the white flag soon, LOL
I hope nothing untoward happened to the guy. I’ve have net friends that dropped out of sight before, and I found out months later the reason they disappeared was…shall we say…permanent.
The only clean white we got, better used wiping…
Yeah, wiping tears, , LOL
Robert is alive and well. Neither of us are actively playing right now so as you can imagine it is hard to get motivated to do some coding on our tools.
The accent character on the character names was the biggest issue I had with MEAssist. You can work around it but it requires editing the XML file manually and copying in the character name from the PDF.
Once MEGames finalizes the new XML version I’m sure I can talk Robert into joining me in a game of Gunboat or something and we can get our tools updated again.
The OC I think can work with XML files but it had been a long time since I actively tested that. The 3.6 version was really intended to read the game data from the MEAssist database.
I think it is a bigger issue than that. I have had several turns fail to import with the unrecognizable character issue, only to go back to the PDF and not be able to find anything out of the ordinary, or at least, nothing different from the previous turn’s accented characters which imported ok. In at least one instance, I think I got the error message because one of my scouts gathered so much info that the text ran over and what looks like on top of text for the next character down. You know, one of those ScoChars with 20 names and a ScoHex.