memorial day

it doesn’t matter if you believe in the wars of your country on a holiday like memorial day. whats matters is that we, the guys in the rear with gear and the beer, thank those on the frontlines, near and far, past or present, living or dead. thank you to everyone in any uniform that protects our personal freedom, reguardless of color or creed. i think everybodywho plays this game knows somebody that fits the above.


SM, amen to that! Well said.

We Americans are deeply indebted to all of our fellow citizens who have served and sacrificed for our freedom and the freedom of millions of others in foreign lands.

Respect is international. Agree or not with the politico’s calling the shots, the men and women working the job deserve the admiration and respect of all.

Canadian Brad

Thanks to Wade in Game 92 who is playing from the front lines of Iraq right now.

You are correct: “respect is international.” But Memorial Day is an American holiday of remembrance. It bears remembering on this day that America has not used her might to subjugate or conquer but to liberate and protect – and the liberating and protecting has been done by American GIs.

My thanks to you, Wade, for your service to America and to the liberated people of Iraq.


I refrain from posting a detailed opinion here, but I’d like to say that definitions of “subjugate and conquer” or “protect and liberate” mainly depend on the individual point of view. I think we agree that every man, woman and child who dies in war is one too much.

You don’t want me paying respect due to the happenstance of my birth geography? Well, too bad, I’ll respect those who have earned it.

Canadian Brad