Memorial Day

Thanks doesn’t cover it. God keep you all.

From one damn proud American and the son and brother to several military and ex-military men.

Jason M. Roberts

Thanks Dad, Ron, and Jerry.


All Americans are proud; it’s in their nature. It is why we both admire your patriotism while at the same time we chatize you for your arrogance. :slight_smile:

We down here in Australia still have our freedoms largely because of your nations defence of the pacific islands and our continent. I know my history well, but to those who don’t you should watch The Pacfic.

I’ll raise a glass and salute those brave soldiers who defend what we take as fundamental rites.

Even if you don’t like the politics of a war, you should always support your armed forces.

Aussie Mick

Hey Jason,

it was my privelage to serve and an honor to do so with very many fine men and women.
My only regret is that I was unable to contribute more. As Ron prepares to execute his duty and leave behind his beautiful family, I am reminded of the losses we have seen and the agony that comes with it all. I can’t wait to meet Jesus at the gates of Heaven and ask the question.
