Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Hello One and All!:smiley:

A bit early, but I thought I’d be the first.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year:cool:

Cheers Ale Drinker,
Dragon Lord G11.

Aye, All my ME gaming buddies, have a Merry Christmas and a happy healthy new year :). Thanks Clint and company for making it another fun filled year :slight_smile:


Merry Happies everyone!



I got the three things I wanted for Christmas this year and I got them all:

  1. Brother is home from Afg for the holiday…

  2. The women are calling in droves…

  3. My cell phone isn’t taking calls…hahahaha

Merry Christmas to all of community and hope the 2011 year has you winning every game of which I am a team member. :stuck_out_tongue: