Merry Christmas

Just wishing all and sundry the Best for the holiday season. May you all have a wonderful and safe Christmas.

:hug: :woot:

Regards Herman

Merry Christmas to you as Well…

Merry Christmas to friend and foe alike. May God bless each and everyone and thier Loved ones!:smiley: :slight_smile:

Merry xmas everyone,

May you and yours have a happy and safe xmas and new year. :hug:
May your turns be good ones’ (unless i’m playing against you) :smiley:

Adrian Sheridan

Midnight at WalMart…45 minutes in line, but I would have waited an hour and paid $50 for the Disney Princess Leap Pad thingie…ho ho ho…

Same world wide dude. I spent 45mins in a line with my 3 daughters for a bloody santa photo :o


I have Emily convinced Santa is a brainwashing demon slave of corporate overlords. She’s not even 5 yet…I"m so proud!

ah, here in the northeast of the states, its all about
" the ez bake oven". i’m thinking a little shot of baileys to help her sleep.

enjoy the morning with your families gang.


Anyone been to church ?

I went once, too much like school–with all that learning and stuff.

I can see two from my house, does that count???
I warn the children not to go tooo close though ;). I was brought up RC, now a born again atheist :smiley:
