We, of the Bloodguard, willing to accept your challenge, it's about time someone stepped up,
The Midgard team fresh from an unexpected defeat by Catalonia Earth is now looking for another game. We're looking for a game as 1650 DS, pre-aligned neutrals. We're a team of 6 looking to take 2 nations each.Any takers?-- Laurence G. Tilley http://www.lgtilley.co.uk/http://www.buav.org<http://www.buav.org/>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
To: mepbmlist@yahoogroups.comFrom: lgtilley@morespeed.netDate: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 08:42:36 +0100Subject: [mepbmlist] Midgard Grudge team looking for a game
Sorry Paul. I'd have approached you directly, but Darren Beyer is on
our team and, I believe, is also on yours.
On 05/09/2008 14:13, Paul Moreno wrote:
We, of the Bloodguard, willing to accept your challenge, it's about
time someone stepped up,
To: mepbmlist@yahoogroups.comFrom
<mailto:mepbmlist%40yahoogroups.comFrom>: lgtilley@morespeed.netDate
<mailto:lgtilley%40morespeed.netDate>: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 08:42:36
+0100Subject: [mepbmlist] Midgard Grudge team looking for a game
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