Midgard team looking for new "Grudge" game

The Midgard team fresh from an unexpected defeat by Catalonia Earth is now looking for another game. We’re looking for a game as 1650 DS, pre-aligned neutrals. We’re a team of 6 looking to take 2 nations each.

Any takers?

Bloodguard will, :slight_smile: pmoreno407@msn.com

Why not a rematch ??

Mike, if Mr. Tilley isn’t interested in the rematch, Bloodguard is up for the challenge…

I’m not on the other team – was just wondering why most teams don’t like to give rematch’s is all and that was why I suggested a rematch for those two teams – I notice that some teams will only play or want to play one side and one side only – so they must have it down pretty good – so to be fair why not then swap sides and play again !! Thats why glad Paul’s team is gonna give us a rematch in game 73 !!

I think your theory is the correct one - they want to play a certain side (the one they’re better at), and that side is usually the DS.

Thats why glad Paul’s team is gonna give us a rematch in game 73 !!

I assume that means you got stuck with the FP in the first game… <grin>

As Bloodguard, will play either side, as Teddies we’re giving Mike another shot, we’ll play FP after we beat him in 73 as DS, :slight_smile:


We had hoped for a rematch but Catalonia had other commitments, hence the request for other opposition…

Unfortunately we have a team member in common with Bloodguard so that game would be a little tricky…


Darren can be a Double Agent, LOL