Moving a company

Hello, Is there a way a company can move more than 12 hexs during a turn??

The answer is no.

Though agents within a company can leave it and move ‘extra’ if they scout & follow army.


Then I have something very weird in my last turn. I don’t know if I can talk about it here…:frowning:

Weird = Good for you or Weird = Bad for you? Very simple test to determine whether you want to ask the company to explain Now or Later… :wink:

Bad for me :slight_smile: and it involves a double agent, that is why I’m relunctant to go in details. But let say that he moved more than 12 hex being part of a company. I don’t have the beginning of an explanation for that. :confused:

Did he move as part of a company or did he issue an 810 order. Perhaps he followed the tactic I suggested above. In any case ask your team mates, i’m sure that they can enlighten you. Failing that ask ME or if you wish to email me at and lets see if we can work it out.


currently in:
Game 63 - Easterlings
Game 88 - Sinda
Game 93 - Duns
Game 94

Perhaps Pallando has been working out with Rafael Palmeiro :slight_smile:

Euh… who’s pallandio? and Raphael??