name agent question

Hi all,

If I use the name agent order with an agent with a natural rank of 15 but an adjusted rank of 30 from an artifact … what level will the named agent be? 15 or 30?



Natural rank is used for naming orders - your new agent will be 15.

Yeah, what he said. :slight_smile:

The artifact improves your chances of pulling off an order that isn’t automatic, but you calculate the result with the natural rank. For example, a commander 30 with a 20 command artifact that posts a camp results in a camp with a 15 loyalty, not a 25 loyalty. A 60 rank Mage with a 30 artifact does 30 damage with a Curses spell, not 45.

And a 50 mage with 50 toys and a casting rank of 35 on Reveal Pop has an 85% chance of revealing the pop…and 50% chance of removing the enchantment…

Also, for nations with the special ability to name characters at 40 for certain skill types (agent, emmy, etc), it takes a character with 40 natural skill rank points of that type to name a 40 point character. And this order can only be done with the skill specific one, not the generic command order 725 - name new character.

For example - “New emissaries can start with an emissary skill rank of up to 40 when created using the order 734 – Name Emissary.” if issued by an emmy with emmy skill of 40 or higher :slight_smile:
