Navies and hidden Pop Centres

Is it possible for a FP-navy to enter the hex 4215 or possible for a DS-navy to enter the hex 4413 while the hexes are still hidden?

Just entering, not with the intention to attack the Pop Centre.

Page 22 in the PDF-rule book indicates that it is possible : “Harbours/ports present in hexes with hidden Population Centres will not be hidden, but neither are they easily visible.” but I’m not sure about this part.
What does “easily visible” mean?
Is it random whether a navy is able to enter such a hex?
Anybody tried?

Its funny, no one I know ever tries this because its common knowledge you can’t do it.

But no one ever tries it…

Game 64 we have just tried to move in on 4215 and couldn’t, we don’t know if it is because the pop is hidden or because he has pulled his harbour?
None the wiser.

Regards Herman

just need to check the with the LR after the game!

I’m now wondering if the reason no one bothers is usually the LR does pull the harbour, certainly reading page 22/23 makes you wonder!

Hi - I have tried it and it cant be done. Seems hide pop centre also hides the docks :slight_smile:

You can’t enter a non plains hex with a navy unless there is a harbour/port present. Whilst hidden, you can’t see the harbour/port, so it counts as being not present.

The trouble with 4215 is that any smart LoR will take down the harbour long before the FP learn and successfully cast Reveal on it, making it combat proof… but not character attack proof.