i’m in trouble calculating the exact base navy strength. From the rolebook it seems indipendent from morale, based only on nation and commander rank.
But how it works?
Someone could help a confused captain?
i’m in trouble calculating the exact base navy strength. From the rolebook it seems indipendent from morale, based only on nation and commander rank.
But how it works?
Someone could help a confused captain?
The vague description of naval combat on p. 52 of the rule book is your only guiding light I believe.
Base Str= warship str. * # of warships + 1* # of transports.
Then modify base strength by comm rank, tactics, and relations. It is not known how each of these factors is weighted. they probably all receive equal weight. I’d average them together, divide by 100, and then multiply by base strength.
Finally add in spells and artifacts (these things can make a big dent by the way). That +1250 sword adds 12.5 str. points which means it can sink 4.17 ships. If you have a visual impression of how that works please share .
Sorry, correction needed: only comm rank would be divided by 100. Maybe an example would be better:
Base str = 100
Comm = 50
Tactics = charge vs standard
Relations = hated
Take .50 for comm rank, 1.25 for relations, and 1.15 for tactics vs. tactics (I dont know if this is the right figure). the average of these is .97. Multiply by base str of 100 and you get a navy str of 97. Then add artifacts and spells.
Good Luck
Naval warfare requires overwhelming odds else you’re in a position of mutual annihilation mostly. Command rank and tactics your most valuable assets I’ve heard, tactics a crap shoot here though, as you can’t out-guess your opponent based on troop composition and previous strategiy…
OK, none seems to know much more i know… :eek: where are the game guru?!
I’ve some data from 3 naval battle where one of the two navy survive. Since I always have the exact data only for the winner ( ) I,m missing the exact numbers, and only have ranges.
Based on this and supposing the relation and tactics vs tactics are as usual (twice there was a standard vs standard so if there is an error on it isn’t so important) i argued that it couden’t be just a “command” modifier. So
(command/100 * base strenght) doesn’t work, it is more.
A friend of mine suggested (100+command)/100, but it is too much. I’m supposing something like:
(~200+command)/300 or (~300+command)/400. Where the 200 and 300 costant could depend on other “national” modifiers, such as a terrain for nation and a climate for nation modifier or similar, so beeing around 100+ for standard condition (mild-warm, costal waters). But I haven’t enought data to be more accurate, nor to confirm myself in such hypotesys.
Any further contribution will be appreciate, it’s a long way to collect a naval battle database on my own…
Good luck,