Need some answers :-)

I've got a few questions about character creation in FA1000.

Which is considered a "legal" example?

A) 10 Comm (200 points) 20 Agen (purchased with 500 prince bonus points) 30 Mage (purchased with 300 prince bonus points)


B) 30 Comm (400 points and the 30 SKILL rank meets the required 30 for a created character) 20 Agen (500 prince points) 30 Mage (300 prince points).

I'm just wondering if in example A, that the character only has 10 skill points before the prince bonus skills are added. Does a character need 30 in various skill ranks BEFORE applying the king/prince bonuses toward OTHER skill ranks?

Sorry if this was a bit wordy, lol.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

a character DO need 30 in various skill ranks BEFORE applying the king/prince bonuses toward OTHER skill ranks?


On 2013-03-23, at 7:20 AM, "spikeskullspike" <> wrote:

a character need 30 in various skill ranks BEFORE applying the king/prince bonuses toward OTHER skill ranks?