New 1 Week Game

I could do that.

Hell , If was playing and you had Harad – I would take ya on whatever side I was on :slight_smile:

Mike, so you sign up for SG…it’s all falling into place…

what do you think?

With no Neutrals, I’m in!

… but to make it fair: Easterlings won’t play!

Have Fun!


Piffle. The game is the game. 10 FP, 10 DS and 5 Neutrals. Role play, cherry-pick your friends, go mercenary, attack other neutrals, attack both sides, don’t choose until turn 20, whatever… THAT’s the game. You want a challenge competition? That’s what Grudge games are for - make a Team and issue a challenge and play a pre-aligned Neutral set up from turn 0. But leave the Game alone.

It’s not designed to be equal. It’s not designed to be fair. It’s meant to have these “outside the game” interpersonal issues impact that game. Consider that it’s all actually part of the game…not “outside” at all…

LOL – I wish , but wife won’t let me :frowning:

Brother Brad,
we will also have a game with 12 Freps against 12 DS.

No mercenaries, no cherry-pickers and no no no Neutrals!

With the benefit:

… no subterfuges if something is going wrong!
(this time the Neutrals aren’t bearing the blame of ruining a game, cause they’re simply not present)

Have Fun!


Brad I am not trying to change anything. The suggestion was for a one week set up with neutrals pre-determined but players random like normal. It was also just something to think about, not scripture. From your reaction I will take you as a “NO.” however at least one possible neutral has said he is cool with it. I only bring this question up because we can only run one 1-week at a time and this game isn’t a grudge, albiet close. I also am not saying this due to some issue with neutrals. I actually enjoy the chaos they bring to the game:cool: It was just a thought…
This is one of the problems with the one week deal. I cannot understand why MEPBM doesn’t change the format to a one week for all games. The two week time frame was set in an era when we had NO email and very few could even fax. You needed that time for snail mail to send it to you, allow you to process and write orders then send back. Today a single week is fine for a game turn. Two week versions should be offered but not the norm. I cannot understand the mentality of the company as they would stand to make more money as the games sped up. I know for a fact I would be alot more content. I am in two week games and detest the extra week wait.

Apparently, most players like the 2 weeks. I can appreciate many of the reasons, whether I share the feelings or not. One I feel is a big reason is cost. This game is premium. Going from 2 weeks to 1 week puts 2 game players in 1. No extra revenue. And due to the prohibitive cost, I would see 3 game players sitting on 1 instead of spending more on 2. This game has been auto’d to death and can be automated even more, lowering the cost to increase volume. Whether it’s a matter of the capital just isn’t there to reduce the cost of producing the game or whether the determination is the volume wouldn’t increase I don’t know. It’s a tricky forumla. But certainly, with the communication and game-aide technologies we have, 2 weeks is for the birds.

For me the Problem is I’m a MEPBM junky. I waiting for my fix. Look at us. We are all hooked on it. Mike is being restricted by his wife. Mine would too if she ever got into the check book:eek: I consider myself to be low key right now and I’m in three games having just quit the one week to us actually being beaten like 5-6 turns ago.:frowning:

The money doesn’t matter, but running a grudge the same time costs a lot of it (in this case time, not money).

Have Fun!


Try telling that to my wife :slight_smile: , You must want me in the hospital – “honey the money doesn’t matter” – wham knocked out when pan hit me upside head and wakes up in hospital :frowning:

I love the fact that we have two pages of post and no game. Hey do they offer to run a grudge in the one week version?:confused: If so we should do just that. The neutral problem could be fixed by having picked players in the spots. Just take five guys we know and trust to be good neutrals and let em have at it. Take a guy like “Blue Knight.” He would be fair and inpartial. Guys like John Lamulle, Darrin, Kieth, the list goes on. All us hard core one week wierdos. We should do it and Brad and Gixxxer,you should organise it. Of course we need to wait for Mike to have a game free up so his wife doesn’t ruin the housewares:p

LOL – Only have one game that should be ending soon – 73 – but we have been promised a rematch switching sides up against Paul’s team , and yes you can run a grudge in a one week format if both sides agree to it – game 85 was just that !!


I guess we’ll have a whole lot more once the game gets going :smiley:

Doug, get a grudge and play whatever you and the other side want. Freak out the neutrals, etc. Recall, a couple years ago the PoWeR games (Play When Ready) involved experienced players and 5 neut - it turned into a twice a week game, Monday and Thursday. That’s how to play, this 1 week thing, way toooo slow…

12 nations available, so we’re just over half full, and everyone on my list is either in or out so I have no more marketing to do myself…


Wow, I really like the twice a week deal. Would Clint do that for a grudge?

If both sides agreed to it – yep i bet he would !! Have to make sure ya got players that would get there turns in on time not to mention your coordination and communication would have to be top notch between players !!

Or they all just did as I said… :smiley:


Just knowing you on personal level… You didn’t get hwacked for saying the money doesn’t matter… It’s the stylish way you say everything not the words my friend! :bash: See wife with her pan trying to tame the untameable ;):wink: