I was wondering whether there was any interest out there of maybe setting up a new game where (1) everyone pledges not to drop no matter what in the first 10-15 turns and/or (2) no player can control more than 2 nations? (not sure on the last one but willing to give it a go if players think that is a good option, it’s easy to see pros and cons).
Basically I was looking for a nice, solid game not to be plagued by early drops, sort of like a grudge gunboat with committed players. If you are interested, please sing out!
I would be glad to do a 1650 gunboat where everyone pledges to not drop… of course, we’ll need to think of some way to enforce it. I really enjoy gunboat, but I’ve noticed people dropping early-- why bother to sign up?
May want to add the following:
(1) No deliberately bankrupting your nation to eliminate yourself.
(2) Not sure new players should play gunboat-- if you aren’t solid with the regular game (especially LONG games, 30-40 turns) then you’ll find gunboat very difficult and can drag others down with you. Elf sickness is bad…
There are at least 2 ongoing “no-drop” GB games right now: GB 94 & GB 96.
GB 97 may also be “no-drop”, but I’m not sure.
GB is a blast. But it is definitely NOT for anyone but experienced players. Even with all experienced players, you see all kinds of odd things in GB - probably because GB allows experienced players to experiment without having to explain the experiment to the team & get their approval…
Gixx - I hope you have fun in the next grudge you play.
Not all gunboat is about no-quitting, but terrible jabbering is definitely banned. I’m all for a single nation gunboat…Lord Marshall Broggha at your service…Jabber Free…!
Gixxx, I thought the circle was having a break from grudge games for a while?
What better way than to get into a game of gunboat. If you haven’t played, you should give one a go. I’ve only played once (game 10) but i enjoyed it alot and have been waiting a while for the time to get into another game.
Maybe the circle should play a gunboat game together? No chance of the game getting wrecked again and it would be something different
Thanks Dave, I didn’t know there was “no drop” GB games being run! I wish I had known at the time. I’ve only played one game of GB before (game 10) and like Bernd’s experience, there were early drops in that game which just seemed wierd and inconvenient (especially when you are the woody and the sindar drops!). There is also a pressure to take on a 3rd nation, which was something I didn’t want to do.
Clint, any chance of making game 18 a “no drop” game? And a “no deliberate bankrupting” game? Anyone else out there interesting in playing such a game besides Mr Fisher and I?
I take your point, RL can certainly get in the way, I guess it’s just a committment you try and make to “do the right thing”. Keeping up on your orders is just one of those.
Ha ha the evil side of me has always liked the idea that you can only play one game at a time. Guaranteed we will get committment in the game then! Quality not quantity
Anyway, I hope I am appealing to gunboat players out there who have felt cheated somewhat by drops, afterall where is the glory in winning in a cake-walk? Wouldn’t you prefer a game, like grudge - which is how grudge started afterall - where you knew the other side were getting all their orders in?
There’s only player to have actually dropped from a no-drop game. I think players who join them intend to stick to it, through thick and thin - so I’m not worried about that.
If you guys want to make it a no-drop then get in touch with me asking to join a no-drop Gunboat game so that I can start getting players ready for it.
Ideally if players do drop then they find a replacement player outside of the game. (We’ve managed that sometimes for other GB games but not all).