NEW 4th Age Excel Setup Files

I’ve got the latest version of the Nation Setup Excel files done for the standard Nation, as well as the NK and SK setups. These incorporate the new 4th Age setup rules, inlcuding the new regions, regional benefits, and character costs.

They can be found on the Middle-earth Games website (on the Materials page under the 4th Age section), or can be downloaded in a zip format from my website at


Great work Mike, now if only I could work out this regional preference
and pop centre location… Can you please email me at as I need some rule clarification…


Guy Roppa

Guy - if you need rules clarification chat to me. Mike can assist as part of the “design team” and certainly with the XLS file. Note you have emailed me since and I think you understand what’s going on here but just in case, and as a generic thing to players, rulings ask me… (or a member of my staff).

Best if it’s direct so that it doesn’t get swamped by other things.


Will you be putting another one together soon??? Do the King and Prince get some new orders as well???


I’ve worked out the rules now… Guess I just had to read them Lol

One game has just been set-up but we’re taking set-ups for the next one now.

No new rules for the King/Prince. They’re just stronger characters than you normally would play with.


1 rule question: as only 1 nation can have +20 kidnap/assass SNA, what
SNA’s do the nations recieve who failed to reserve the +20 SNA? Is it
ramdomly determined or are they a mixture of the lesser agent SNA’s?


We contact them and sort something out - note Neutrals aren’t allowed this SNA.


Thanks Clint… :slight_smile:

Hi one question bout the new setup.
There seems to be a difference btw the xls and the word document.
The word doc has an extra fort for free, but the xls has something like 2 free towers.
Is this in addition or in lieu of the free fort?

From what I recall (haven’t got the document open).

  1. All players get a free fort
  2. Players that are on non-mountain or on roads get a free upgrade of a Village to a town and get a Tower thrown in as well.

Does that help?

Depends on race and region

Don’t think it depends on race - that affects your characters and SNAs only.

Region gets an additional bonus - northern PCs get upto an additional MT and also get a minor add to their SNA allowance.


Cool thanks Clint…perfectly clear!

Hmmmm, I didnt get a free fort in my setup! Gonna get a flight over to
Cardiff and parade up and down in front of ME HQ with a placard saying

Clint, Are we getting our turn 0 in the next couple of days?


Hummm … are you nervius? excited? jajajajaj

No, bored… nenenenenene LOl

Tap tap… I know you’re shaking from fear Ricard! Where’s the turns ME
games? G16 is finished and I’m bored. I worked out my strategy on a 10
mile run this morning. BE very scared Ricard! Lol