Hi all
Long Rider checking in.
The nation of the Corsairs welcomes contact from all nations. Dispatch riders with haste to paolotendes@yahoo.com
Rhun Easterlings checking in… please contact me at
First time playing a neutral nation, so please be patient.
BTW - on vacation starting this week - will not have access to my e-mail for two weeks. Please send contact info and I will respond upon my return.
Chris Montgomery
RE 23
Greetings all:
Welcoming communications from all neutrals. Good luck in this game.
Witch King
Hello to our 3 neutrals who have posted. I will send you all a personal greeting. Hello to my teammates battling the snot nosed do-gooders.
As I race at snail’s pace to destroy my ennemies, I salute them too. May you die well and (reasonably) quickly.
Oh well in for a penny, in for a pound of FP flesh. I’ll be contacting the neutrals as well.
Is this a DS/Neutral forum?
Ian - QA
Khand here.
Contact me at
Galadhin@aol.com for now. I’ll set up a game account when I choose a
What a fun first turn. No surprises. No big boo-boos. Not much excitement.
Forgive the lapse in communication, but the long holiday kept me away from my keyboard. Neutrals, you will be hearing fomr me at least. I wonder if the FP will remain largely silent on the message boards.
Dog Lord
Hûz III of the Rhûn Easterlings sends greetings to all aligned and neutral nations of Middle Earth. Two fortnight and not a visitor to his fair land have he. Alas, he senses trouble is brewing throughout Middle Earth.
What news have you? Are the rumors of battles in distance lands true?
Will Evil conquer or the Free prevail?
Dispatch messengers post haste. Hûz III will reward weary riders with warm beds, stout ale, and the finest weed East of Bree. Your words and deeds shall weigh heavily on Hûz III decision to choose an allegiance.
For the people of Rhûn, Hûz III must carefully consider his options. A choice made too early could cost the Rhûn Easterlings much of their realm. Perhaps a silvery-tounged emissary can sway or otherwise offend… all must wait and see. Send word…
Chris M.
RE 23
To both sides & neutrals good luck with Turn 3.