Midgard have just won out first "grudge game", game 57 ending after
22 exciting turns. "The Nomads" it seems have slunk away back into
the desert and feel too inadequate to give us a rematch. We
therefore offer an open challenge to any team who will take us on.
We propose:
2 nations per player
1650 scenario
Midgard play FP
Pre-aligned neutrals, opposition may make 1st and 4th choice or 2nd
and 3rd. 5th neutral removed.
Defeat must be conceded if the nations on one side outnumber the other by 2:1
The probability of a return match would be assumed
We're happy to consider any variations on the above. Please let me
know if you're interested.
Laurence G. Tilley http://www.lgtilley.co.uk/
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