New Game Signup: The Alliance Game

Game Title: The Alliance Game
Game Concept: "The difference between a 'team' and an 'alliance' is
that on a team, members are expected to sacrifice for the commonweal
while in an alliance national interest is always foremost. Anything
else is a breach-of-duty by a public official." Ed Mills

Like GB, except:

    * 1650 standard scenario
    * limit is one nation per player. no exceptions.
    * 10xDS, 10xFP, 5xN
    * each nation may send no more than one diplo to each other nation
in the game, every turn, 50 words or less
    * diplos can include subterfuge, lies, etc. (e.g. a diplo can
pretend to be from the IK, when it's in fact from NG)
    * diplos can not reveal phone numbers, identity, email, or any
contact information
    * diplos are restricted to in-game information & strategy
    * diplos could request help on attaining a VC
    * the game is anonymous as to who is playing what nation, but 25
players are known
    * First, Second and Third place finishers are determined by nation
score plus Individual Nation VCs plus 200pt bonus for OR victory if
you are nation who delivers OR to Mt Doom. First place finisher must
be on the winning side. 2nd and 3rd place do not have to be on the
winning side.
    * Game ends when one One Ring victory occurs or when one
allegiance (DS,FP) outnumbers the other 2:1 in active nations or when
2/3 of players on one allegiance (DS,FP) concede (dead nations
counting as a vote to concede)
    * there are no rules against taking any action against any
character or nation
    * dropped nations die. they are not picked up by another player
    * there is no internet posting of information about the game (i.e.
no dead nations list like in some of the GB games)
    * no .pdf or .xml sharing allowed
    * two week game cycle

If you'd like to play, please contact ME Games and give them your (5
nation?) set of nation preferences. This game should be loads of fun.
It's back to the way the game was played in the early days when
postal mail delivered the turn every 2 weeks (and you waited by your
mailbox with anticipation). There was very little communication
between players, no email, no pdf or xml exchange. Lots of
fog-of-war. there was certainly potential for in-fighting within an
allegiance. So if you want a bit of nostalgia, or if you're new to
the game but want to experience what it used to be like, this is a fun
chance to do so.

Thanks to Drew Carson for much help with the rules formation - it was
his basic rule set based on Ed Mill's concept that is the genesis for
this format.

Let the game begin!
