I’d like some more feedback before implementing this. There might be a major error or a better set of combinations of nations that I’ve not noticed and someone can bring it to my attention.
So far we have 2 players interested.
Clint (GM)
I’d like some more feedback before implementing this. There might be a major error or a better set of combinations of nations that I’ve not noticed and someone can bring it to my attention.
So far we have 2 players interested.
Clint (GM)
I dont see any problems really, except you have listed 6/23 (same) and 3/7. Although wasnt NG paired with the Duns before? Not that it matters…
I do think that NG/Eoth will be a nasty combo, this player will be able to see the most of the exits out of Mordor and react appropriately so I think it will alot harder for the DS to attack and they’ll have to defend alot more due to the better cooperation from two military nations…consider as well that both nations start with huge armies and if used appropriately can do severe damage to Mordor in the early game
So, I would suggest putting NG/Duns back together and the SG with the Eothraim. This way, SG can use his economy to support the Eoth (as Noldo used to do) and NG can still rely on Dun agents to help him out. This also keeps both nations having to deal with two fronts (SG against Corsairs - Duns against NW) so they wont be able to concentrate their rather significant resources too easily.
I like the WK/DrkLT combo as well as the CL/Rhu. That should make the NW a bit more competitive. QA is kind of a drag no matter what you do I think. They need an aggressive Corsairs player to stay alive…just food for thought, but how about eliminate the QA and add DS Easterlings with the FK? :>
I think that looks pretty good Clint although I do have a couple of comments.
Diplos. I’m not keen on this idea at all. I always liked the idea of no diplomacy since it greatly adds to the whole fog of war concept. If it really needs to be done then how about 1 every 10 turns with everyone doing it on the same turn to make it easier on your end? (turn 1, 10, 20, etc.)
Dropped Nations. I’d like to see an emphasis on giving dropped nations to new players as opposed to loading up existing players. In a game format where coordination is supposed to be limited, having 1 player doing 3 or 4 nations seems like an unfair advantage. Maybe increase the incentive to have someone take over these nations (2 free turns or something).
Given the lack of need for coordination, how about an option for weekly turns instead of once very 2 weeks?
Dropped Nations. I’d like to see an emphasis on giving dropped nations to new players as opposed to loading up existing players. In a game format where coordination is supposed to be limited, having 1 player doing 3 or 4 nations seems like an unfair advantage. Maybe increase the incentive to have someone take over these nations (2 free turns or something).
Given the lack of need for coordination, how about an option for weekly turns instead of once very 2 weeks?
I do but it’s very hard to fill GB drop outs.
I doubt there’s a desire for this. More than happy to run a weekly game but there has to be a player base for that.
Okay I’ll try to fill this game (2wk at present, diplos as requested 1/5 as players are in the majority for that) and as time goes on we can tweak it if need be.
I agree that priority should be given to finding replacements instead of giving a player a third nation, but I doubt that it is easy to find a replacement player. I know I for one would prefer to start from the beginning as opposed to picking up a dropped nation. Secondly, if one nation is eliminated I know I would not pick up just one nation when everyone else is playing two. Honestly, I can not think of a situation where I would want to take on the challenge of a dropped nation. It is just not worth my time to risk picking up a nation that was not ran the way I would like to play.
Possibly emphasis should be placed on trying to make sure the player pick ups or somewhat neutral/fair to the other side, but to keep game balance dropped nations have to be picked up. Secondly, I am not sure how many players can financially afford to pick up a third nation so Clint and company will be limited in how they are able to distribute dropped nations.
Just my two cents worth.
Tim Huiatt
I think the pairings cause a problem for the DS in Mordor - specifically, having the CL paired with WK. The idea is to pull CL resources to the northwest to increase the viability of the DS in the northwest. I agree the DS need strengthening in the NW. However, this will cause big problems for Mordor in the Ithil pass and at the gate. I guess my question is for all of you who would play Mordor DS nations… do you want the CL focused on WK? how often does this happen in regular 1650? ANS: rarely… why? because it’s not the highest and best use of CL assets. Thus, trying to force it in GB 1650 seems wrong to me.
My $0.02.
specifically, having the CL paired with WK.
Note: CL is allied with Rhudaur not WK. Dark Lieutenants is with the WK. But your point is pretty much the same. Note in most games that I have played I had to focus on different parts of the map with my different nations so I’d expect something similar here. It’s part of the design of GB. Not that you have to stick to it.
Re: diplos. I am not sure about this. Will these be read by ME Games? Are players allowed to diverge their identity? [This could give an indication to how a duo of nations will be played]. Fifty words sounds a lot - especially given the lengths that players will go to cram all they have to say into ‘text-style’ minimalistic writing.
It’s a pain for us but players seem to want it (from what I’ve read). I’d say that you can’t mention who you are but I’ll ask the players who sign up for the game when it starts. Note we have 7 players already. 5 more to go. Open for debate this one - thanks for brining it up. Will we read them sometimes - mostly not but will do spot checks.
50 words is what was used before - you have 2 nations (maybe 3) to write about there.
I’m not a fan of the diplo communications thing. It wouldnt stop me from playing…but is it worthwhile? The one GB game I was in where it was used, I think I only got one diplo from another player that was pretty worthless in regards to info in my area…I dont know for certain, but it seems some people tend to ask for it, but it sounds like it falls apart as the game goes along?
I think the pairings are ok, yes the CL is paired with Rhudaur and will likely send agents to the area, but any CL player worth his salt will also keep an eye on the happenings around Mordor, if anything to protect his own “soft” pop centers from Gondor invasion. Much better to kill enemy commanders on FK pops than when they are on your own.
Part of the game is also how each player uses his resources. Some players are generous, they’ll send out cash to other players, pass off arties they dont need etc. Other people will horde until the end
I would be fine with this set of combo’s, count me in for the next game, but I would also like to transfer 2329 from Corsairs to DrL at game start.
Like several others above I do not like the idea of this, I like the fog of war effect, my vote is for no diplo’s
In addition at all times “where possible” it should be avoided to let neighbouring nations take over dropped positions, though I accept it might not always be possible. No player more then 3 nations.
The end game rules as proposed sound fine with me.
The one GB game I was in where it was used, I think I only got one diplo from another player that was pretty worthless in regards to info in my area…I dont know for certain, but it seems some people tend to ask for it, but it sounds like it falls apart as the game goes along?
We’ve tried making it simpler to remember how to use it and when. So if it’s a name character turn (ie turn 6,11 etc) then you can send a diplo.
We have no plans to give the DrLd the MT - it’s a very strong combo as it is. In the same way that the CL MT isn’t transferred across to the Rhudaur - we leave that as an option play for the controlling player. There are many instances where a swop here or there would be a major help but…
Actually I think the DS are stronger (without any other factors) due to them having the Corsair nation compared with normally they have the Harad.
I’ve put Alain down for the game - that’s 8 need 4 more. I’m very tempted to join myself - anyone playing got any objections?
I would love to play with our against you Clint. My favorite part of the game is trying to guess which player you are, simply from your reputation.
My favorite part of the game is trying to guess which player you are, simply from your reputation.
Favourite part?! :o Never had a fan before… :eek:
Clint (GM) (in fun)
LOL. Clint - Tim & Tony had figured out 2 of the 3 nations I was in the last game (GB 14). I have no idea how… And I hadn’t even thought about trying to figure out who was playing what nation…
Black antelopes make handy house pets.
for the seats,
the rhudar seems the be the problem in most of the above points. teamed with the dk lts, who’s only ability to support rhudar is too weaken itself but giving 3622 away.
that makes for a dysfunctional pairing. solutions? the problem is that the free can bury the rhudar under hordes of troops, and in a typical 1650 game, evil agent support is none existent. evil agents are so dependant on information sharing, that your taking a game strength, communication (sometimes in excess), and trying to script a version against that strenght.
lol dave…I had all 3 nations you were playing figured out…something about cloud lord agents knowing to be there at the harad capital with the blind sorceror army tipped me off to that one
My guess was Dave was playing the Fire King and Cloud Lord, and I just figured he had picked up the Dog Lord because when we kidnapped Ren at 2926 he was guarded by two Dog Lord agents. Not that they did any good hehehe.
Who was playing the QA/Dog Lord. Anyone. Bueller. Bueller.
Okay we have 9 players so far for this format. Filling fast…
Clint (GM)
So Clint, are you jumping into this one or not?
I need to know if I need to race someone to bankruptcy or can take my time!! :>