Had to bring this over from Game 95 thread… ROFL doesn’t even cut it… Now, have I offended anyone? Not yet anyway…:eek:
You never offend me Brad, only because I know you are so lovable deep
inside… You need to find another 6 players before playing us, its going to
be so hard to find another 6 good players who can stomach being on the
same team as you… Hugs
Sorry, not sure what that’s about… I wasn’t trying to offend anyone, but you know as well as anyone that trying has nothing to do with it… Of course, under the assumption that it’s conceivable someone was offended, you are actually way down the list, I was confident your fundamental humour and good nature would persevere…
Maybe John will wander on and address the actual quote I stole from Game 95, I only used it because, well, it’s funny.
As for the 6 other players, you will have to be very clear for me. Are you saying that you will Not play against 6 players 2 nations each? This is key, because we are not increasing the number of players. If you won’t, then we’ll just publish ourselves here and via Clint looking for opposition at that time. After Game 16. No problems.
Lets cut the insults Brad, the team are considering it but its not a level
playing field with 6vs12… We’ll see.
I’m not insulting anyone - read it again. Game 16 is now done. John and I are to be looking for a 12v12 game, we are 6 players 2 nations each. If that’s a Yes, we’ll set it up. If that’s a No we won’t, all the best and see you around.
Okeydokey; so do you think there is advantage for a 6 man team vs a 12
man team? Humour me, I’m interested in your opinion.
I don’t have much hurry, it’s more interesting to play 12vs12 than 6vs12, and of course much advantage in a 6 team vs a 12 team.
Stop it Ricard, we always agree nowadays! What happened to the good old
days when we didnt? Lol
I ask for a Yes or a No. Do I get either? No, too easy. So that’s a No then, I’ll be courageous and answer for you. Of course I agree, 6 players is better than 12, don’t be such a fight-picking ninny. 6 is too many for me, frankly, and my interest in playing it was simply to make people happy - like you and John. Too bad then - we could have had SUCH fun on the forum!
All the best in your future endeavors.
You too Brad Best of luck
As to whats best, I think a 6 players vs 12 on a team really depends on the teams. But if your 6 is rock strong team players who work well together then, I think its the best all around grudge team number wise. Thats what we would have.
Yep, we agree but we have 11 players so we’ll have to pass… Best of luck
John and kudos for Game 16
One’s worse… btw… :o
Clint (player)
hehe yeah they will play one but not six…I’m scratching my head about that.
Thanks Guy, good luck to you too.
Because we like CLint and have fun with him on the message boards… Also
it took alot to convince some of the players to play Clint and we promised
them to play a 12vs12 next game. Can’t break the promise, sorry John
Because we like CLint and have fun with him on the message boards…
best stamp that out right now…
Clint (player)
Yeah, I give it until turn 14…
John L.
I like watching the 12 vs Clint game thread. I suspect the 12 are actually trying really really hard. Wade and I tried really really hard to be really really silly… We were, and we lost, kudo’s to Clint, fun all around, I expect Clint will have a more conventionally difficult war to face against the 12. It’s fun to watch them rave, my money’s on the smaller team until it’s official.
Yep, its incredibly hard with 12 players to match Clint’s 1 player team effort.
If this game enters the mid stage we will have the advantage with us picking
up all the spirit arties. Nightsbane has joined the team aswell as Dave Tasker
was unable to carry on due to a new job and new girlfriend. Good on him
Tried looking at my turns last night, but couldn’t come up with anything cunning so I guess I’m going with bludgeon them to death. Down south it’s been interesting - long term both sides are going to suffer badly (well not the QA but there you go).
Swopping all the agent items for the curse items seems fair to me…
Turn 14? I doubt it will last that long…