New look turnsheet

We'll be posting the new look turnsheet on the forum for players to look at soon. It's a DRAFT copy, ie it will look much nicer than you can see at present. I'd like feedback on the following (and anything else you feel it pertinent):

i) Overall feel. Is it what you'd like to receive? What do you like about it, what don't you like?
ii) Exporting of XMLs. You will be able to export your XML directly into all your team's turnsheets for that game. (Gunboat clearly not). Would you like to see that? We'll have a toggle for each nation that you play allowing this option or turning it off. So the choice will be still controlled by the player who owns the nation about being able to give out the information or not to your team-mates. (Note the XML will have all the information that you normally see in your turnsheet).
iii) Full game map - this will be like your old map (which will still be there) but also include all the map data that you have from other turns. It's not like Palantir but will be an additional page (or pages, we've not decided yet) to your nation.
iv) Anything that I've missed?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Overall not bad but the layout needs a lot of tweeking, a bit too
much information in some places such as the world map, pop centres,
turn deadline (in twice) etc.

Please do not show accounting information, i'm sure everyone out
there doesn't want everyone else to know how much they have in the ME

Do not split up the game economy data, its the first thing i look at.

Please put battles then armies together, do not split them apart.


We'll be posting the new look turnsheet on the forum for players to

look at soon. It's a DRAFT copy, ie it will look much nicer than you
can see at present. I'd like feedback on the following (and anything
else you feel it pertinent):

i) Overall feel. Is it what you'd like to receive? What do you

like about it, what don't you like?

ii) Exporting of XMLs. You will be able to export your XML

directly into all your team's turnsheets for that game. (Gunboat
clearly not). Would you like to see that? We'll have a toggle for
each nation that you play allowing this option or turning it off. So
the choice will be still controlled by the player who owns the nation
about being able to give out the information or not to your team-
mates. (Note the XML will have all the information that you normally
see in your turnsheet).

iii) Full game map - this will be like your old map (which will

still be there) but also include all the map data that you have from
other turns. It's not like Palantir but will be an additional page
(or pages, we've not decided yet) to your nation.


--- In, "ME Games Ltd" <me@...> wrote:

iv) Anything that I've missed?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Okay final call for this, we're just about to start the game. So if you're up for this then do please get in touch by Monday.

Upto 2 nations per player (or split amongst a duo of players). It will be a restricted area so we'll remove some nations as need be.

Unlike before you'd list the nations you want to play.

In addition the rules are :

List of allies (you are allowed to join up with a maximum of one player other duo). That information will be given out at game start in the Front Sheet (who is allied with who as well I would like to do this time).

1) When 9 players are removed from play (this includes drops) then the game will end the following turn. There's a minimum of 15 turns (so on turn 16 is the earliest that the game can end). (See 7 below).
2) Allegiance = Neutral throughout, no changing allegiance is allowed.
3) One nation from each side not in play. They are still on the map BUT they are not allowed to be impacted in ANY manner.
5) No replacement of players
4) Defining Win: We use the Istari rating as a relative success ratio. Highest ratio wins.
5) Set-up: See above.
6) 20 points set-up (see below). When you get your first turn send that information back to us BEFORE the turn goes. If you are using AM or MEOW then you need to modify the data when you import it to enable you to do any particular orders (eg if you add 10 Command to Elrond then you'll need to modify the turn so that he has Command if you want to put orders in. For AM just click in the stat box for that character and amend.
7) Turn ends: If the game reaches its end conditions (ie 9 players removed from play) then we will SS the turns the turn after that to end the game. (It's a program requirement that we do so).
8) Set-up cost is double normal due to the workload we'd take on board.
9) Number of players - to be decided. I need a certain amount to be viable to play the game - not sure what that number is, for now I thought I'd see what interest there was. (Probably remove 21/22/25/17/4/5 in that order)


still interested
  jeff 109064


ME Games Ltd <> wrote:
          Okay final call for this, we're just about to start the game. So if you're
up for this then do please get in touch by Monday.

Upto 2 nations per player (or split amongst a duo of players). It will be a
restricted area so we'll remove some nations as need be.

Unlike before you'd list the nations you want to play.

In addition the rules are :

List of allies (you are allowed to join up with a maximum of one player
other duo). That information will be given out at game start in the Front
Sheet (who is allied with who as well I would like to do this time).

1) When 9 players are removed from play (this includes drops) then the game
will end the following turn. There's a minimum of 15 turns (so on turn 16
is the earliest that the game can end). (See 7 below).
2) Allegiance = Neutral throughout, no changing allegiance is allowed.
3) One nation from each side not in play. They are still on the map BUT
they are not allowed to be impacted in ANY manner.
5) No replacement of players
4) Defining Win: We use the Istari rating as a relative success ratio.
Highest ratio wins.
5) Set-up: See above.
6) 20 points set-up (see below). When you get your first turn send that
information back to us BEFORE the turn goes. If you are using AM or MEOW
then you need to modify the data when you import it to enable you to do any
particular orders (eg if you add 10 Command to Elrond then you'll need to
modify the turn so that he has Command if you want to put orders in. For AM
just click in the stat box for that character and amend.
7) Turn ends: If the game reaches its end conditions (ie 9 players removed
from play) then we will SS the turns the turn after that to end the game.
(It's a program requirement that we do so).
8) Set-up cost is double normal due to the workload we'd take on board.
9) Number of players - to be decided. I need a certain amount to be viable
to play the game - not sure what that number is, for now I thought I'd see
what interest there was. (Probably remove 21/22/25/17/4/5 in that order)


Yahoo! Answers - Get better answers from someone who knows. Tryit now.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Hey, I need to come off of this game as well as any others I've said yes to
but haven't started. The gunboat suddenly filled and now I've got the
equivalent of two turns per week with thegames I'm playing. That, and I've
got to refill my account with you all when I get paid because the gunboat
setup put me in an overdraft.


Robert Bolin Acct # 109787

Chief Technologist

Road IDR

(859) 426-3450>



From: [] On Behalf
Of ME Games Ltd
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 12:50 PM
Subject: [mepbmlist] All v All Neutral game

Okay final call for this, we're just about to start the game. So if you're
up for this then do please get in touch by Monday.

Upto 2 nations per player (or split amongst a duo of players). It will be a
restricted area so we'll remove some nations as need be.

Unlike before you'd list the nations you want to play.

In addition the rules are :

List of allies (you are allowed to join up with a maximum of one player
other duo). That information will be given out at game start in the Front
Sheet (who is allied with who as well I would like to do this time).

1) When 9 players are removed from play (this includes drops) then the game
will end the following turn. There's a minimum of 15 turns (so on turn 16
is the earliest that the game can end). (See 7 below).
2) Allegiance = Neutral throughout, no changing allegiance is allowed.
3) One nation from each side not in play. They are still on the map BUT
they are not allowed to be impacted in ANY manner.
5) No replacement of players
4) Defining Win: We use the Istari rating as a relative success ratio.
Highest ratio wins.
5) Set-up: See above.
6) 20 points set-up (see below). When you get your first turn send that
information back to us BEFORE the turn goes. If you are using AM or MEOW
then you need to modify the data when you import it to enable you to do any
particular orders (eg if you add 10 Command to Elrond then you'll need to
modify the turn so that he has Command if you want to put orders in. For AM
just click in the stat box for that character and amend.
7) Turn ends: If the game reaches its end conditions (ie 9 players removed
from play) then we will SS the turns the turn after that to end the game.
(It's a program requirement that we do so).
8) Set-up cost is double normal due to the workload we'd take on board.
9) Number of players - to be decided. I need a certain amount to be viable
to play the game - not sure what that number is, for now I thought I'd see
what interest there was. (Probably remove 21/22/25/17/4/5 in that order)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Oops, ignore that folks. I thought I had changed the email address to
MEGames before sending. I'm an idiot.

Robert Bolin

Chief Technologist

Road IDR

(859) 426-3450>



From: [] On Behalf
Of Robert Bolin
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 1:28 PM
Subject: [mepbmlist] ME - All v All Neutral game

Hey, I need to come off of this game as well as any others I've said yes to
but haven't started. The gunboat suddenly filled and now I've got the
equivalent of two turns per week with thegames I'm playing. That, and I've
got to refill my account with you all when I get paid because the gunboat
setup put me in an overdraft.


Robert Bolin Acct # 109787

Chief Technologist

Road IDR

(859) 426-3450

Robert@RoadID. <> com> com <http://www.roadid.
<> com/>


From: mepbmlist@yahoogrou <>
[mailto:mepbmlist@yahoogrou <>] On
Of ME Games Ltd
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 12:50 PM
To: mepbmlist@yahoogrou <>
Subject: [mepbmlist] All v All Neutral game

Okay final call for this, we're just about to start the game. So if you're
up for this then do please get in touch by Monday.

Upto 2 nations per player (or split amongst a duo of players). It will be a
restricted area so we'll remove some nations as need be.

Unlike before you'd list the nations you want to play.

In addition the rules are :

List of allies (you are allowed to join up with a maximum of one player
other duo). That information will be given out at game start in the Front
Sheet (who is allied with who as well I would like to do this time).

1) When 9 players are removed from play (this includes drops) then the game
will end the following turn. There's a minimum of 15 turns (so on turn 16
is the earliest that the game can end). (See 7 below).
2) Allegiance = Neutral throughout, no changing allegiance is allowed.
3) One nation from each side not in play. They are still on the map BUT
they are not allowed to be impacted in ANY manner.
5) No replacement of players
4) Defining Win: We use the Istari rating as a relative success ratio.
Highest ratio wins.
5) Set-up: See above.
6) 20 points set-up (see below). When you get your first turn send that
information back to us BEFORE the turn goes. If you are using AM or MEOW
then you need to modify the data when you import it to enable you to do any
particular orders (eg if you add 10 Command to Elrond then you'll need to
modify the turn so that he has Command if you want to put orders in. For AM
just click in the stat box for that character and amend.
7) Turn ends: If the game reaches its end conditions (ie 9 players removed
from play) then we will SS the turns the turn after that to end the game.
(It's a program requirement that we do so).
8) Set-up cost is double normal due to the workload we'd take on board.
9) Number of players - to be decided. I need a certain amount to be viable
to play the game - not sure what that number is, for now I thought I'd see
what interest there was. (Probably remove 21/22/25/17/4/5 in that order)


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Feedback on turnsheets part 2

How about offering a choice between the old and new formats.

Don’t show accounting information, Toggle on/off

What I liked initially was the first page summarizing your characters, encounters and combat.

I also like the profit if all were sold, that is usually one of the first things I calculate anyway.

In battle reports, actually list if it is HC, LC, HI, LI, AR or MA rather than "Warg Riders" etc...

Compact the pop center information and place next to economy section.

Under economy section where you have anticipated cost & revenue for pop centers, what about combining them and showing costs on a column basis for port/harbor & fortification and revenue on a column basis for tax & gold production, and a Net Total column -- all for each pop center? (If we do this then this is a decent idea).

Add "hostages held" to character report

In army report, show combat artifacts value next to Characters travelling with army

In army report, show total army combat value & constitution value

In company report, show nation of each character in company

If map: include a world economic summary too?

Like the summary, would add more to this page so you can do more without flicking through

Hold off on the map.

Also would prefer to have the old health status line rather the heart symbol.

Maybe it should have a printout version that is a little shorter than when we read it on the PC? Ie small printable version.

Can you make the page space allocated to any character expand to accomodate the additional text when it runs long, such as mammoth scout reports? Ed: If the size is greater than X in length to have it reported elsewhere. I'll chat to the guy doing it and see if it's simple enough.

Ed’s bits:
Alter granularity of space
White space
Make small PC reports
Svg in formatting object – space.

The above we're intending to implement. How do players feel about that?


Some comments -- I haven't actually reviewed the new format so will just comment on some of what appear to be "since you are changing stuff how about doing this?" suggestions:

In battle reports, if you ad the official troop types (which may well help some players figure out what they are facing), please do so as parenthetical additions, i.e.
Dunlending footmen w/battle axes (HI)
Some of us like the flavor of seeing what sort of forces we are facing, even if it is just flavor.

I happen to like the way pop centers are currently done -- how much compacting would there be? I use the existing pop center sections to keep track of loyalty changes, pop center size changes, also to calculate new upcoming production for season changes etc. If there were an additional section that listed number of pop centers of each type etc. that would be fine, but keep the original pop center stuff... I also use information like relative production etc. sometimes for determining which pop centers get improved first -- camps with low production or with gold mines get priority so that the lost production is less compared to if camps with higher production were improved. Also use that info for determining what pop centers to hand to needy allies. So I use pretty much all the information currently provided in the pop center section.

I like the ideas of specifying more info in army and company reports -- as long as that army info is not carried over into actual combat reports for the enemy to see, of course. In the army reports, if you are going to show total STR and CON -- minus any "army vs army" or "tactics" factors of course, but perhaps including the modifiers for the terrain the army currently finds itself in -- then you will need to do the calculations by troop type. If heading in the direction of making more info available to the players, might as well take that one step further, and have a column for STR and CON to the right of the troop listings, for each type of troop. Players can then get a better idea of specific terrain effects, assuming they are willing to do the math, and that is a good idea, many players want to know just how much better those light troops might be in the terrains they are supposedly better than the heavies in -- but tactics are still a gray area of course. Anyway, that could make it much more clear to newer players the value of the different troop types -- as well as the effect of terrain on STR, if they look at armies of HI in different terrains, say.

I need to print out my turn, just the way I do my turns, so hopefully the new turns will be printable easily on 8.5" x 11" paper as they currently are.

Anyway, as long as there is a choice of formats, old folks like me can choose to get our turns looking the same as always, so that is fine...

-- Ernie III


-----Original Message-----
From: ME Games Ltd <>
Sent: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 11:30 am
Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] New look turnsheet

Feedback on turnsheets part 2

How about offering a choice between the old and new formats.

Don’t show accounting information, Toggle on/off

What I liked initially was the first page summarizing your characters,
encounters and combat.

I also like the profit if all were sold, that is usually one of the first
things I calculate anyway.

In battle reports, actually list if it is HC, LC, HI, LI, AR or MA rather
than "Warg Riders" etc...

Compact the pop center information and place next to economy section.

Under economy section where you have anticipated cost & revenue for pop
centers, what about combining them and showing costs on a column basis for
port/harbor & fortification and revenue on a column basis for tax & gold
production, and a Net Total column -- all for each pop center? (If we do
this then this is a decent idea).

Add "hostages held" to character report

In army report, show combat artifacts value next to Characters travelling
with army

In army report, show total army combat value & constitution value

In company report, show nation of each character in company

If map: include a world economic summary too?

Like the summary, would add more to this page so you can do more without
flicking through

Hold off on the map.

Also would prefer to have the old health status line rather the heart symbol.

Maybe it should have a printout version that is a little shorter than when
we read it on the PC? Ie small printable version.

Can you make the page space allocated to any character expand to accomodate
the additional text when it runs long, such as mammoth scout reports? Ed:
If the size is greater than X in length to have it reported elsewhere. I'll
chat to the guy doing it and see if it's simple enough.

Ed’s bits:
Alter granularity of space
White space
Make small PC reports
Svg in formatting object – space.

The above we're intending to implement. How do players feel about that?


Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

In battle reports, if you ad the official troop types (which may well help some players figure out what they are facing), please do so as parenthetical additions, i.e.
Dunlending footmen w/battle axes (HI)
Some of us like the flavor of seeing what sort of forces we are facing, even if it is just flavor.

Being planned.

I happen to like the way pop centers are currently done -- how much compacting would there be? I use the existing pop center sections to keep track of loyalty changes, pop center size changes, also to calculate new upcoming production for season changes etc. If there were an additional section that listed number of pop centers of each type etc. that would be fine, but keep the original pop center stuff... I also use information like relative production etc. sometimes for determining which pop centers get improved first -- camps with low production or with gold mines get priority so that the lost production is less compared to if camps with higher production were improved. Also use that info for determining what pop centers to hand to needy allies. So I use pretty much all the information currently provided in the pop center section.

So it would be sortable by product (at present it's sorted by name)? Not sure if that's possible but I'll add it to the list.

I like the ideas of specifying more info in army and company reports -- as long as that army info is not carried over into actual combat reports for the enemy to see, of course. In the army reports, if you are going to show total STR and CON -- minus any "army vs army" or "tactics" factors of course, but perhaps including the modifiers for the terrain the army currently finds itself in -- then you will need to do the calculations by troop type. If heading in the direction of making more info available to the players, might as well take that one step further, and have a column for STR and CON to the right of the troop listings, for each type of troop. Players can then get a better idea of specific terrain effects, assuming they are willing to do the math, and that is a good idea, many players want to know just how much better those light troops might be in the terrains they are supposedly better than the heavies in -- but tactics are still a gray area of course. Anyway, that could make it much more clear to newer players the value of the different troop types -- as well as the effect of terrain on STR, if they look at armies of HI in different terrains, say.

In the planning. We'll start with basic STR and CON and then look at the terrain/nationmodifiers later.

I need to print out my turn, just the way IÂ do my turns, so hopefully the new turns will be printable easily on 8.5" x 11" paper as they currently are.Â

Yes, I like to as well...:slight_smile:

Anyway, as long as there is a choice of formats, old folks like me can choose to get our turns looking the same as always, so that is fine...

Yes that should be fine. Ideally we'll create the product that you want to see though...



-- Ernie III

-----Original Message-----
From: ME Games Ltd <<>>
To: <>
Sent: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 11:30 am
Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] New look turnsheet

Feedback on turnsheets part 2

How about offering a choice between the old and new formats.

Don’t show accounting information, Toggle on/off

What I liked initially was the first page summarizing your characters,
encounters and combat.

I also like the profit if all were sold, that is usually one of the first
things I calculate anyway.

In battle reports, actually list if it is HC, LC, HI, LI, AR or MA rather
than "Warg Riders" etc...

Compact the pop center information and place next to economy section.

Under economy section where you have anticipated cost & revenue for pop
centers, what about combining them and showing costs on a column basis for
port/harbor & fortification and revenue on a column basis for tax & gold
production, and a Net Total column -- all for each pop center? (If we do
this then this is a decent idea).

Add "hostages held" to character report

In army report, show combat artifacts value next to Characters travelling
with army

In army report, show total army combat value & constitution value

In company report, show nation of each character in company

If map: include a world economic summary too?

Like the summary, would add more to this page so you can do more without
flicking through

Hold off on the map.

Also would prefer to have the old health status line rather the heart symbol.

Maybe it should have a printout version that is a little shorter than when
we read it on the PC? Ie small printable version.

Can you make the page space allocated to any character expand to accomodate
the additional text when it runs long, such as mammoth scout reports? Ed:
If the size is greater than X in length to have it reported elsewhere. I'll
chat to the guy doing it and see if it's simple enough.

Ed’s bits:
Alter granularity of space
White space
Make small PC reports
Svg in formatting object – space.

The above we're intending to implement. How do players feel about that?


Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! - <>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.485 / Virus Database: 269.13.16/1004 - Release Date: 12/09/07 17:22

                 ME Games Ltd

UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP
         Tel 029 2091 3359 12-6.30 Weekdays
         Fax 029 2062 5532 24 hours

US: 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook, NJ 08880
         Tel (732) 642 8777 EST
         Fax 503 296 2325 (comes straight to us)

So when's the debut???


----- Original Message -----
  From: ME Games Ltd<>
  Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 9:25 PM
  Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] New look turnsheet

  >In battle reports, if you ad the official troop types (which may well help
  >some players figure out what they are facing), please do so as
  >parenthetical additions, i.e.
  >Dunlending footmen w/battle axes (HI)
  >Some of us like the flavor of seeing what sort of forces we are facing,
  >even if it is just flavor.

  Being planned.

  >I happen to like the way pop centers are currently done -- how much
  >compacting would there be? I use the existing pop center sections to
  >keep track of loyalty changes, pop center size changes, also to calculate
  >new upcoming production for season changes etc. If there were an
  >additional section that listed number of pop centers of each type etc.
  >that would be fine, but keep the original pop center stuff... I also use
  >information like relative production etc. sometimes for determining which
  >pop centers get improved first -- camps with low production or with gold
  >mines get priority so that the lost production is less compared to if
  >camps with higher production were improved. Also use that info for
  >determining what pop centers to hand to needy allies. So I use pretty
  >much all the information currently provided in the pop center section.

  So it would be sortable by product (at present it's sorted by name)? Not
  sure if that's possible but I'll add it to the list.

  >I like the ideas of specifying more info in army and company reports -- as
  >long as that army info is not carried over into actual combat reports for
  >the enemy to see, of course. In the army reports, if you are going to
  >show total STR and CON -- minus any "army vs army" or "tactics" factors of
  >course, but perhaps including the modifiers for the terrain the army
  >currently finds itself in -- then you will need to do the calculations by
  >troop type. If heading in the direction of making more info available to
  >the players, might as well take that one step further, and have a column
  >for STR and CON to the right of the troop listings, for each type of
  >troop. Players can then get a better idea of specific terrain effects,
  >assuming they are willing to do the math, and that is a good idea, many
  >players want to know just how much better those light troops might be in
  >the terrains they are supposedly better than the heavies in -- but tactics
  >are still a gray area of course. Anyway, that could make it much more
  >clear to newer players the value of the different troop types -- as well
  >as the effect of terrain on STR, if they look at armies of HI in different
  >terrains, say.

  In the planning. We'll start with basic STR and CON and then look at the
  terrain/nationmodifiers later.

  >I need to print out my turn, just the way IÂ do my turns, so hopefully the
  >new turns will be printable easily on 8.5" x 11" paper as they currently are.Â

  Yes, I like to as well...:slight_smile:

  >Anyway, as long as there is a choice of formats, old folks like me can
  >choose to get our turns looking the same as always, so that is fine...

  Yes that should be fine. Ideally we'll create the product that you want to
  see though...


  >-- Ernie III
  >-----Original Message-----
  >From: ME Games Ltd <<><>>
  >To: <><>
  >Sent: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 11:30 am
  >Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] New look turnsheet
  >Feedback on turnsheets part 2
  >How about offering a choice between the old and new formats.
  >Donâ?Tt show accounting information, Toggle on/off
  >What I liked initially was the first page summarizing your characters,
  >encounters and combat.
  >I also like the profit if all were sold, that is usually one of the first
  >things I calculate anyway.
  >In battle reports, actually list if it is HC, LC, HI, LI, AR or MA rather
  >than "Warg Riders" etc...
  >Compact the pop center information and place next to economy section.
  >Under economy section where you have anticipated cost & revenue for pop
  >centers, what about combining them and showing costs on a column basis for
  >port/harbor & fortification and revenue on a column basis for tax & gold
  >production, and a Net Total column -- all for each pop center? (If we do
  >this then this is a decent idea).
  >Add "hostages held" to character report
  >In army report, show combat artifacts value next to Characters travelling
  >with army
  >In army report, show total army combat value & constitution value
  >In company report, show nation of each character in company
  >If map: include a world economic summary too?
  >Like the summary, would add more to this page so you can do more without
  >flicking through
  >Hold off on the map.
  >Also would prefer to have the old health status line rather the heart symbol.
  >Maybe it should have a printout version that is a little shorter than when
  >we read it on the PC? Ie small printable version.
  >Can you make the page space allocated to any character expand to accomodate
  >the additional text when it runs long, such as mammoth scout reports? Ed:
  >If the size is greater than X in length to have it reported elsewhere. I'll
  >chat to the guy doing it and see if it's simple enough.
  >Edâ?Ts bits:
  >Alter granularity of space
  >White space
  >Make small PC reports
  >Svg in formatting object - space.
  >The above we're intending to implement. How do players feel about that?
  >Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -
  >[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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  >Checked by AVG Free Edition.
  >Version: 7.5.485 / Virus Database: 269.13.16/1004 - Release Date: 12/09/07
  ME Games Ltd<>

  UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP
  Tel 029 2091 3359 12-6.30 Weekdays
  Fax 029 2062 5532 24 hours

  US: 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook, NJ 08880
  Tel (732) 642 8777 EST
  Fax 503 296 2325 (comes straight to us)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Still looking at feedback. Check out the details on the forum for what we're suggesting.



At 14:16 19/09/07, you wrote:

So when's the debut???

----- Original Message -----
From: ME Games Ltd<>
To: <><>

Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] New look turnsheet

>In battle reports, if you ad the official troop types (which may well help
>some players figure out what they are facing), please do so as
>parenthetical additions, i.e.
>Dunlending footmen w/battle axes (HI)
>Some of us like the flavor of seeing what sort of forces we are facing,
>even if it is just flavor.

Being planned.

>I happen to like the way pop centers are currently done -- how much
>compacting would there be? I use the existing pop center sections to
>keep track of loyalty changes, pop center size changes, also to calculate
>new upcoming production for season changes etc. If there were an
>additional section that listed number of pop centers of each type etc.
>that would be fine, but keep the original pop center stuff... I also use
>information like relative production etc. sometimes for determining which
>pop centers get improved first -- camps with low production or with gold
>mines get priority so that the lost production is less compared to if
>camps with higher production were improved. Also use that info for
>determining what pop centers to hand to needy allies. So I use pretty
>much all the information currently provided in the pop center section.

So it would be sortable by product (at present it's sorted by name)? Not
sure if that's possible but I'll add it to the list.

>I like the ideas of specifying more info in army and company reports -- as
>long as that army info is not carried over into actual combat reports for
>the enemy to see, of course. In the army reports, if you are going to
>show total STR and CON -- minus any "army vs army" or "tactics" factors of
>course, but perhaps including the modifiers for the terrain the army
>currently finds itself in -- then you will need to do the calculations by
>troop type. If heading in the direction of making more info available to
>the players, might as well take that one step further, and have a column
>for STR and CON to the right of the troop listings, for each type of
>troop. Players can then get a better idea of specific terrain effects,
>assuming they are willing to do the math, and that is a good idea, many
>players want to know just how much better those light troops might be in
>the terrains they are supposedly better than the heavies in -- but tactics
>are still a gray area of course. Anyway, that could make it much more
>clear to newer players the value of the different troop types -- as well
>as the effect of terrain on STR, if they look at armies of HI in different
>terrains, say.

In the planning. We'll start with basic STR and CON and then look at the
terrain/nationmodifiers later.

>I need to print out my turn, just the way IÂ do my turns, so hopefully the
>new turns will be printable easily on 8.5" x 11" paper as they currently are.Â

Yes, I like to as well...:slight_smile:

>Anyway, as long as there is a choice of formats, old folks like me can
>choose to get our turns looking the same as always, so that is fine...

Yes that should be fine. Ideally we'll create the product that you want to
see though...


>-- Ernie III
>-----Original Message-----
>From: ME Games Ltd <<><><>>
>To: <><><>
>Sent: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 11:30 am
>Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] New look turnsheet
>Feedback on turnsheets part 2
>How about offering a choice between the old and new formats.
>Donâ?Tt show accounting information, Toggle on/off
>What I liked initially was the first page summarizing your characters,
>encounters and combat.
>I also like the profit if all were sold, that is usually one of the first
>things I calculate anyway.
>In battle reports, actually list if it is HC, LC, HI, LI, AR or MA rather
>than "Warg Riders" etc...
>Compact the pop center information and place next to economy section.
>Under economy section where you have anticipated cost & revenue for pop
>centers, what about combining them and showing costs on a column basis for
>port/harbor & fortification and revenue on a column basis for tax & gold
>production, and a Net Total column -- all for each pop center? (If we do
>this then this is a decent idea).
>Add "hostages held" to character report
>In army report, show combat artifacts value next to Characters travelling
>with army
>In army report, show total army combat value & constitution value
>In company report, show nation of each character in company
>If map: include a world economic summary too?
>Like the summary, would add more to this page so you can do more without
>flicking through
>Hold off on the map.
>Also would prefer to have the old health status line rather the heart symbol.
>Maybe it should have a printout version that is a little shorter than when
>we read it on the PC? Ie small printable version.
>Can you make the page space allocated to any character expand to accomodate
>the additional text when it runs long, such as mammoth scout reports? Ed:
>If the size is greater than X in length to have it reported elsewhere. I'll
>chat to the guy doing it and see if it's simple enough.
>Edâ?Ts bits:
>Alter granularity of space
>White space
>Make small PC reports
>Svg in formatting object - space.
>The above we're intending to implement. How do players feel about that?
>Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>No virus found in this incoming message.
>Checked by AVG Free Edition.
>Version: 7.5.485 / Virus Database: 269.13.16/1004 - Release Date: 12/09/07
ME Games Ltd

UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP
Tel 029 2091 3359 12-6.30 Weekdays
Fax 029 2062 5532 24 hours

US: 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook, NJ 08880
Tel (732) 642 8777 EST
Fax 503 296 2325 (comes straight to us)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.485 / Virus Database: 269.13.16/1004 - Release Date: 12/09/07 17:22

                 ME Games Ltd

UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP
         Tel 029 2091 3359 12-6.30 Weekdays
         Fax 029 2062 5532 24 hours

US: 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook, NJ 08880
         Tel (732) 642 8777 EST
         Fax 503 296 2325 (comes straight to us)

I'm a traditionalist, I've always assciated MEPBeM with the old GSI look - but the new design looks intriguing. I'll have to take a neutral stance on this.Mike D'Angelo

Still looking at feedback. Check out the details on the forum for what we're suggesting.ClintAt 14:16 19/09/07, you wrote:>So when's the debut???>>----- Original Message ----->From: ME Games Ltd<>>To: ><><> >>Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 9:25 PM>Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] New look turnsheet>> >In battle reports, if you ad the official troop types (which may well help> >some players figure out what they are facing), please do so as> >parenthetical additions, i.e.> >Dunlending footmen w/battle axes (HI)> >Some of us like the flavor of seeing what sort of forces we are facing,> >even if it is just flavor.>>Being planned.>> >I happen to like the way pop centers are currently done – how much> >compacting would there be? I use the existing pop center sections to> >keep track of loyalty changes, pop center size changes, also to calculate> >new upcoming production for season changes etc. If there were an> >additional section that listed number of pop centers of each type etc.> >that would be fine, but keep the original pop center stuff… I also use> >information like relative production etc. sometimes for determining which> >pop centers get improved first – camps with low production or with gold> >mines get priority so that the lost production is less compared to if> >camps with higher production were improved. Also use that info for> >determining what pop centers to hand to needy allies. So I use pretty> >much all the information currently provided in the pop center section.>>So it would be sortable by product (at present it's sorted by name)? Not>sure if that's possible but I'll add it to the list.>> >I like the ideas of specifying more info in army and company reports – as> >long as that army info is not carried over into actual combat reports for> >the enemy to see, of course. In the army reports, if you are going to> >show total STR and CON – minus any "army vs army" or "tactics" factors of> >course, but perhaps including the modifiers for the terrain the army> >currently finds itself in – then you will need to do the calculations by> >troop type. If heading in the direction of making more info available to> >the players, might as well take that one step further, and have a column> >for STR and CON to the right of the troop listings, for each type of> >troop. Players can then get a better idea of specific terrain effects,> >assuming they are willing to do the math, and that is a good idea, many> >players want to know just how much better those light troops might be in> >the terrains they are supposedly better than the heavies in – but tactics> >are still a gray area of course. Anyway, that could make it much more> >clear to newer players the value of the different troop types – as well> >as the effect of terrain on STR, if they look at armies of HI in different> >terrains, say.>>In the planning. We'll start with basic STR and CON and then look at the>terrain/nationmodifiers later.>> >I need to print out my turn, just the way I do my turns, so hopefully the> >new turns will be printable easily on 8.5" x 11" paper as they currently > are.Â>>Yes, I like to as well…:-)>> >Anyway, as long as there is a choice of formats, old folks like me can> >choose to get our turns looking the same as always, so that is fine…>>Yes that should be fine. Ideally we'll create the product that you want to>see though…>>Clint>> >-- Ernie III> >> >-----Original Message-----> >From: ME Games Ltd > <<><><>>> >To: > <><><>> >Sent: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 11:30 am> >Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] New look turnsheet> >> >Feedback on turnsheets part 2> >> >How about offering a choice between the old and new formats.> >> >Donâ?Tt show accounting information, Toggle on/off> >> >What I liked initially was the first page summarizing your characters,> >encounters and combat.> >> >I also like the profit if all were sold, that is usually one of the first> >things I calculate anyway.> >> >In battle reports, actually list if it is HC, LC, HI, LI, AR or MA rather> >than "Warg Riders" etc…> >> >Compact the pop center information and place next to economy section.> >> >Under economy section where you have anticipated cost & revenue for pop> >centers, what about combining them and showing costs on a column basis for> >port/harbor & fortification and revenue on a column basis for tax & gold> >production, and a Net Total column – all for each pop center? (If we do> >this then this is a decent idea).> >> >Add "hostages held" to character report> >> >In army report, show combat artifacts value next to Characters travelling> >with army> >> >In army report, show total army combat value & constitution value> >> >In company report, show nation of each character in company> >> >If map: include a world economic summary too?> >> >Like the summary, would add more to this page so you can do more without> >flicking through> >> >Hold off on the map.> >> >Also would prefer to have the old health status line rather the heart > symbol.> >> >Maybe it should have a printout version that is a little shorter than when> >we read it on the PC? Ie small printable version.> >> >Can you make the page space allocated to any character expand to accomodate> >the additional text when it runs long, such as mammoth scout reports? Ed:> >If the size is greater than X in length to have it reported elsewhere. I'll> >chat to the guy doing it and see if it's simple enough.> >> >Edâ?Ts bits:> >Alter granularity of space> >White space> >Make small PC reports> >Svg in formatting object - space.> >> >The above we're intending to implement. How do players feel about that?> >> >Clint> >> >__________________________________________________________> >Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AOL Mail! -> ><<>>><http://m >>>> >> >[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]> >> >> >No virus found in this incoming message.> >Checked by AVG Free Edition.> >Version: 7.5.485 / Virus Database: 269.13.16/1004 - Release Date: 12/09/07> >17:22>****************************************************************>ME Games Ltd><><>>>>UK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BP>Tel 029 2091 3359 12-6.30 Weekdays>Fax 029 2062 5532 24 hours>>US: 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook, NJ 08880>Tel (732) 642 8777 EST>Fax 503 296 2325 (comes straight to us)>****************************************************************>>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]>>>No virus found in this incoming message.>Checked by AVG Free Edition.>Version: 7.5.485 / Virus Database: 269.13.16/1004 - Release Date: 12/09/07 >17:22****************************************************************ME Games Ltdme@middleearthgames.comwww.middleearthgames.comUK: 340 North Road, Cardiff CF14 3BPTel 029 2091 3359 12-6.30 WeekdaysFax 029 2062 5532 24 hoursUS: 73 Edgewood Terrace, South Bound Brook, NJ 08880Tel (732) 642 8777 ESTFax 503 296 2325 (comes straight to us)****************************************************************


To: mepbmlist@yahoogroups.comFrom: me@MiddleEarthGames.comDate: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 16:36:48 +0100Subject: Re: [mepbmlist] New look turnsheet

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