New no-quit GB game for experienced players


A lot of GB games has recently ended, many of these games like 94, 96 and 97 were games with experienced players and in the no-quit format.

We have now seen the results of these games, and have learned some lessons about game structure and nation-pairings.

I think the greatest challenge in GB games in playing against strong opponents who DONT quit out, just because they suffer a little setback.

I like to join another GB game for experienced or dedicated players, so is anyone up for a new GB power game ?


Tony and I are up for a game. If we don’t get a new no quit game going in the next month or so, we will probably just join the next game and then we will be maxed out on games.

By the way, I think playing with experienced players is the best. If you make a mistake, they usually make you pay for it.


By the way, I think playing with experienced players is the best. If you make a mistake, they usually make you pay for it.

This did bring a smile to my face as I was made to pay twice for play that would have worked with less experienced players. :smiley:

So it seems that people don’t like my “no singletons recombined” idea. Ah rats.

Are any of you guys interested in a great-player, no-quit Forth Age GB? Or do you want to stick to 1650…

I suspect there’s not enough players for a 1000 no-drop and defining “great” could be harsh. The more restrictions put onto a game the less likely it is to be filled. Note I’d be tempted to try a restricted set-up for the game with less players for a 1000 game and removing some of the regions.

Say instead of the normal 10v10 (with 1 Kingdom per side) how about No Kingdoms 6 nations v6 (3 players a side). Could be 8v8 (4 players a side) but that would be harder to fill.

Regions would be:
Near Harad, North Mirkwood, Rohan, Eastern Mordor, Harondor, Northern Mordor, South Mirkwood, Enedwaith, Iron Hills, Southern Mordor, Khand, Rhovanion, Umbar, Far Harad, Lorien (usual rules for 1000 GB set-up apply otherwise).

Removed regions: Basically regions West of the Misties.
Angmar, Forlindon, Rhun, Dunland, Harlindon, Northern Wastes, Eriador, Rhudaur & Arnor - North Kingdom. No pcs or any other interaction would be allowed in that region of the map (we do it with Bofa games and it works well).

The SK nation would not be allowed to be impacted on and Downgraded to disliked to everyone.
Clint (GM)

So it seems that people don’t like my “no singletons recombined” idea. Ah rats.

I like your idea. Anything that limits a restructure while the game is being played works for me.

Clint, thank you for thinking outside the box. However, I really like the pressure of nations in the full 10+1K v 10+1K format.

If you eliminate starting in the regions west of the misties, then the game would never end and/or the dynamic would change dramatically. There’d be huge incentive to be an emmie-focused nation and to send hordes of emmies west to build pops completely offmap of anyone. doing the scrys & ScoAreas & Recons necessary to keep any kind of clue at all as to what was going on in that vast area would be tough, as there would be the press of local battle & enemies. So the area west of the Misties would be wild and wooly…

The Western regions are not available AT ALL - aplologies if that wasn’t clear. Ie the map is much restricted. 10v10 +2 K is almost impossible to fill needs 22 players- that’s why I suggest the 6v6 format needing only 6 players. (Or 8v8). I think I can get 6 or 8 players, I’m reasonably sure (and this forum seems to back it up) that the full game is not possible at present.

The beauty of this format is that the SK region would be an initial buffer zone I think (we could add Dunland and remove the Iron Hills and possibly the Khand) to add to the restrictions and I think have an excellent tactical set-up for the game. (SK Gondor region would be available as soon as the game starts to place camps in, but the PCs would stop you moving etc).

Thoughts welcome. If there’s interest in this format we can bash out the specifics of it all and tweak it so if you’re potentially interested then get in touch (via here is fine to start with). Probably best if we start a new thread for 1000 GB.

Clint (GM)


Don’t know if it is a good idea but maybe you could take the lead on this by contacting the remaining (the ones that did not drop) players of game 94 and 96 (and any other no-drop games) and see if they are willing to play another no-drop game. Not all players read the forum or even the front sheet all the time.
If for one am all up for another no-drop game, whatever the format.

As for the guys that dropped, if they want to join another GB game I have no issue with it, but they should be barred from future no-drop games in my opinion.


I’ll wait for a 10+K v 10+K FA GB. if that means existing games have to end, so be it.

in the meantime, John Folz and I will team in the next no-drop GB 1650.

I’ll wait for a 10+K v 10+K FA GB. if that means existing games have to end, so be it.

1000 I’m not sure that it will be possible at all but we’ll see.
1650 No drop 1650 - I’ll contact everyone shortly about that. I’ll wait for feedback on the diplo situation and other bits that have come up in the 94 list and then get a list for the no-drop game. If you know you’re up for playing email me at the me email address please so that I have a record (usual list of 3 duos please).

Thanks again guys - much appreciated.

Clint (GM)