Don’t make Tony and I split up. We aren’t that good when we play together so I can’t even imagine what it would be like playing alone. Plus that whole time space continium that Dave keeps talking about. Kind of scary.
Tony and I will give it two more days then we will split and just try and figure out how to do the logistics.
Tony has decided he wants to play against me in a gunboat game. If everyone is willing we will submit three nations with his first two choices being free side and his third choice the dark servants. I will submit my first two to be the dark servants and my last to be a free person. This will give a small random chance we are on the same side. However, I would prefer that we not be put on the same side by harlequin if at all possible to avoid any thoughts of collusion.
This should be fun. We always wanted to know who was better between us. Now we can see who works the best in an almost total fog of war environement (limited diplos, no names to be dropped).
I guess in two years give or take a few weeks the questions will be answered.
To war all, as long as no one has any objections. Expect game turns by the end of the week.
See??? The space time contiuum has already been split asunder. First message says Tim & Tony will give it 2 more days. Second message says the decision is reached and they’re splitting. Yet only 3.5 hours went by in real-time… Or are we now in the new altered universe time?
Watch out George W… Hillary may be looking you up to hook up…
Time to buy flood insurance in Colorado.
And… best of all:
woohoo!!! I’m a true American even though I live in California!!!
Okay this has come up before a couple of times and it’s an interesting dilemma. I basically take players at their word and trust Tim and Tony here. Occasionally I make a ruling that is different to the normal rules of the game and I think in this situation I would like to have clarity before coming to a ruling. Normally NO discussion is allowed but clearly this is a situation that has interestingly developed. I’d be happy to have them play against each other (we also had some players get others involved and they also have different nation duos for different sides).
I generally make sure that allies like this are both kept apart and separate allegiances - I find it takes out the entire question of collusion. Would everyone be happy with that? There’s a chance I’ll need to ask for more nations from some players though.
I personally have no problem seeing allies fight it out and if they happen to be brothers even better! :bash: :hug: :fork: (Presently playing a test game, not full on, against Sam and that’s interesting in that matter - on the one hand we’re testing all the orders, but on the other we’re trying to win… :eek: )
Tony and I will play on the up and up, no communication about the game at all. To much pride in which side is going to win.
If anyone doesn’t like the idea that has signed up, then I have no problem scratching the idea of brother against brother and we can just wait for one more player. However, the only one to sign up is the splitting of the Dave/John pair in the past week.
If you like reading about other games, the post game write up should be pretty interesting.
Tim & Tony,
we trust you guys. have no fear. Heck, John Folz and I just split up and I can see there being just as much of a potential FUD factor around that (though we aren’t related) as we’ve played together a bunch. For that matter, a ton of the people in this game play on the same team(s) together in one or more other game(s). So I personally see no issue whatsoever. Better to have the game filled with truly competent teammates & foes. Besides, my predictions regarding you guys splitting up are already coming true! <big grin>
Dang Dave…I real American…who’d a thunk it could happen!
Tim and I have already concluded that I can no longer log onto his email and download his IK turn from our grudge game, because the front sheet includes all of his current nations being played, etc. I normally do that because I can log into home emails from work, and then forward them on to his work address so he doesn’t have to wait until he get’s home to look at his turns.
For the duration of this contest, we’ll not even “risk” that exposure.
I for one truly want to beat the ever living snot out of my brother…straight up with no cheating. Better bragging rights that way. Big time.
This means that I’ll be double checking my orders, double thinking my strategies, agonizing over ALL my choices, because I don’t in any way shape or form want my brother (or his team) to whup me. No way…the shame would be to intense…
ok ok…maybe it’s not that intense.
Tim and i have been playing the game together since 1992 under GSI…this would be our first game on opposing sides. It will be hardest to NOT talk about this game…which would be made easier KNOWING he’s the enemy. No way would I want to give him any chance of beating me…
Tim and I have decided which faction we’ll sign up. We won’t share that decision, since only we’ll know which signed up for which…but even we won’t know which of the duos the other signed up for…
So, knowing my brothers strategies…and trust me, I’ve heard them all…which combination gives me the best chance to kick his butt…early and often…hmmmm…hmmmm
That being said, if someone else signs up we’ll gladly default back to just the one pair…
oh cool, I am playing with a huiatt… oh damn, I am playing with a huiatt… oh cool, I am playing against a huiatt… oh damn, I am playing against a huaitt
If you help Tony I will just go through you to get to him. You will simply be an annoying speed bump at best. Or will I be going through Tony to get to Dave. hmmm.
By the way Clint, I actually thought you were the Dog Lord last game. Dang did the Dog Lord ever spit out a ton of Cav at the Eothraim early in game 94. Very Clint like.
Other than my guess with Clint as the Dog Lord, I had no idea who anyone else was (except Frank Redmond because we inherited his position).
Frank said he never lost a gunboat game, I wish he had kept playing as I did not see the free winning that game from turn 20 on.
Dark Lieu had some - as did the WK at one point… it was quite fun trying to keep the 4013 region secure late game though - recruiting from camps and the like as best I could… :o
Bernd…that would mean an upgrade for either one of us that is the swine…obviously Tim. He hasn’t been called anything that nice for quite some time now, especially not by me!
You’ll be able to figure out which pair of nations I am playing when you run across the character named Mybrotherisadork, Killthebro or other such readily apparent moniker. Tim got the suggestion from Darrel Sr., and forwarded the email on to me…I about lost it in the office today when I was reading that…
ah well…I saw on my frontsheet what nations I’m playing…just awaiting the turns now…yee haw, let the Kinstrife, I mean MEPBM begin…