Hya - it looks like the second game is over (can’t confirm until we know from everyone but I’d say it’s very, very likely). I’m wondering about doing another. (note for those new to this format we run turns every Monday and Thursday - the game before this we ran it when all the turns were in - invariably that meant that we ran it at the normal pace of weekly as there was always someone late).
Some comments that I’d like feedback on. 1) Pace of game: some thought it too fast - players found it very hectic (ironically they were the team that [will] won)
So if that’s the case what turnaround would players like? (Note financially we’d change the incentive to meet the turnaround).
2) Draft of players - I’ve had some postive feedback about that. Basically allocate a team captain, they then send in a list of players (I send out a list of all the players in the game) that they send in a list of players that they want in the order they want. Did players like this?
3) Other feedback. What other stuff is there? Grudge format - did that work?
4) Play again? Would you want to play again (if not, why not, if so with what changes)?
You’ve already got my choices, turnaround was a bit quick but thats life, isnt
that the whole point of power gaming? Draft of players was fine by me.
Dont pick me, dont pick me!
DRAFT - I’m not sure what “players” can have an opinion on this, email John Gates and Dave Holt directly. I have no opinion beyond empathy…
It’s a fast pace game because it’s a fast pace game…the more you expect to be able to accomplish, the more “hectic” it’s going to be, but Speed is the point - anyone complaining about that shouldn’t play, like talkative people complaining that Gunboat games are quiet - don’t play.
Are there currently 1 week games running? You used to only have 1 of those going at a time, couldn’t seem to keep them filled, and then suddenly you can run 2 turns a week games… ??
Personally, no, not signing up right now. Why not? Time and money. It was interesting, maybe again later, would prefer a competitive stable of 1 week games running more frequently to be honest.
Does that mean that you would sign up for a 1wk game instead?
I get a lot of “if there was this format I’d play” then actually try to set it up and find that there’s not enough player support. I’m not having a go here, just want to try and get the best format for you guys.
2nd PoWeR was my first… and it was lots of fun. I need a break before the next one though. We were regularly generating 300 emails per week… kind of exhausting keeping up with them all.
I also believe that DS will win each and every game of PoWeR from here on in, so FP beware…
The fast turnaround time does not favor the DS. The DS character game requires a lot of micromanagement, which is a challenge to pull off in such a limited amount of time.
Not fair, you didn’t answer MY question before asking your own. I asked if there were any 1 week games. It appears that even FASTER than 1 week has replaced the single 1 weeker running at a time. Is that the case?
If the question is am I requesting for the purpose of signing up for a 1 week game, then the answer is No, I have a new grudge team to work out and deal with opposition for, personally. But in terms of turn around time preference, 1 week is the best balance of taking the time required to both communicate AND fund the account…
We’ll support what you guys want to play (within reason). At present I think the player base can only support one fast game. Whether that’s 1wk or Power I’m not sure - that depends on what you want.
I really liked the pace of the PoWeR, but I think I’d enjoy 1wk more often. In PoWeR, I barely had time to absorb my turn. While it is true that a turn can be prepared very quickly, proofreading is too easily ignored.
I couldn’t play PoWeR year-round. I’ll definitely take a break from that level of intensity, but as a fellow player said, “its like crack.” I will play again in the future.
As I’m a fairly new player, I’d also like to try other formats, as well. A Gunboat PoWeR game, with 1 or 2 Nation(s) per player and non-Grudge format would be very interesting.
A Gunboat PoWeR game, with 1 or 2 Nation(s) per player and non-Grudge format would be very interesting.
If there’s interest then yes I would run this. It needs 12 committed players though. Would it Mon/Thu process or anytime within a week (as soon as all get their turns in?)?
Don’t forget that with GB you can always share your 2 nations with another player if the stress or running 2 nations is too much. There’s also a request for the next GB to be a no-drop game.
Like I said get in touch if you are interested (I prefer a direct email to the office as on here players sometimes say yes, but when it comes to it not all can commit to it).
Frist off I have to say this Power game was a blast, very fun on a lot of levels. The fixed turn around time removed the frustration of the last Power game and gave us what we where looking for, thanks to Clint for putting it together. I was happy that the DS team had no issues with worrying about sending in shadow-orders and such like the FP team I was on in Power 1. I think the Grudge format worked well, cutting out the Neutrals diplomacy helped the game a great deal and pulled the teams together more. I’m not sure if the draft worked any better then ME picking the teams though it might have helped balance the game some.
I can’t see how a faster pace favors the DS in anyway. DS did well in this game because of a lot of hard work and a good balance of players. Keeping up with the e-mails and dealing with team personalities was the bulk of that hard work. And the reason I think most need a “brake”, from the fun of a 2 turns a week game.
I feel the same as Steve and Brad there loved it; want to do it again, just not right now. I to have thought Power Gunboat would be less demanding.
Pace of game:
This was a very fun and fast paced format. VERY FAST PACED. there’s a ton of coord required and it all has to happen in 3 days, and it’s best done after all .xmls are posted, and… well usually there are lots of hanging threads not quite tied-off when it’s time to submit the next turn’s orders. Also, any great ideas that require lots of coord, but which come in on the 3rd day, are pretty much DOA. Also, the world-wide nature of MEPBM exacerbates the difficulty of communication in a 3-day turn format. DS had players from Belarus to California and places in-between. That’s a lot of time-zones.
Draft of players - As a “drafting captain”, I think that if a player draft is to be the team-selection method, that the way you did it Clint was the best possible. The other alternative is to have people just sign up for sides per normal games, or have a grudge game with teams… I guess any of these work, and it depends on where the demand comes from.
Other feedback - the 12v12 traditional grudge format worked well.
IMPORTANT: add an “end-of-game” condition such that a Bug Hunt is not possible. Here we are on Tuesday with most of the FP saying they’ve conceded in PoWeR 16, yet the game isn’t officially over.
Play again? - well as an MEPBM addict, of course I want to play MEPBM again and again and again… However, at the moment, I’m not up for another 2turn/week game. whew! that was intense. And I didn’t personally have as much to give as several DS team-mates who gave a LOT more in terms of early analysis & idea dissemination for discussion. That was probably the strength of our DS team - we had several players who very quickly absorbed the entire strategic situation and then rapidly posted suggested strategies that the team then openly chewed on. There were lots of disagreements and alternative ideas. It was definitely NOT groupthink ever. But that quick posting of overview & ideas gave us an ability to figure things out even in 3 days.
What if I told you that there was strength in adversity? PoWeR pressurises coordination, but it happens because there is pressure. DS simply have to be a team from day 1. So they are. FP can pretend to run things by region, so they die.
And if you can reliably manipulate the market then the DS are richer than the FP… so read it future kings of middeearth and weep…