New "Power" No-Drop GB

Did turn zero generate today?

Yes Tim, yes.

patience grasshopper

wax on wax off…now, do I have spells or rings or a bunch of idiot apes?? I HAVE to know, dammit!!!


Did you generate the turns for the new no quit gunboat today?


I would hazard the answer to that question is “No”, as it’s 1am or so there as I type, twas in the 11’s whenst thoust typethed. I feel so used…

Gives us all something to look forward to today

So… when should one stop refreshing his email today? :slight_smile:


You get to refresh email, I have to wait until it is posted to the turn server as my email is blocked at work.

Let me know via the forum if the turn runs today.

Death to my enemies. Prosperity to my teammates. Don’t forget to look for the platinum being shipped to know who I am playing.

Well, I wasn’t able to log into the server, and there has been no word/post/email from Clint et al for 2 days now. I’m actually starting to get worried about them.

I called them today and well… it was almost like no answer :confused:

I have no idea what is going on. They said they have some things to work out.

Man, this is killing me…

Sorry guys, it takes a few hours to set-up the game changing Dbase etc so we can’t send it out yet. Rob’s still off ill.


What does that mean…“yet”…Friday or Monday or beyond…?

Boy , and I thought I was bad on waiting for some of my games :slight_smile: , anyways – Hope Rob feels better !!

Sounds as if Clint needs Rob to do some of the important stuff and Clint states he is still out sick (hope ya feel better Rob) , so I would image that this game isn’t gonna be run till Rob feels better and gets back to work – least thats the way I understand what Clint is trying to say !!

Ack! What if Rob takes paternity leave one day!!! :slight_smile:

Guess Clint will have to train someone else to handle his job :slight_smile: – least Rob knows he is somewhat needed at ME :slight_smile: – Rob get well soon as I believe I signed up for this game also – now I sound like everyone else who wants it yesterday :eek:

Hey, it was promised on Wednesday, don’t accuse us of more impertinence than deserved… :wink:

sheesh. calm down. watch a debate or something in the meantime. If nothing else it’s entertaining…

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