Hya everyone
Following on from the SS situation we've now installed a new service. We've got the webmail server now active but it's slightly tricky to use (not much harder but slightly harder than email). It's been tested thoroughly.
You can visit it here:
Your user ID is in the format: yyy-YYYYYY where yyy is a 3 letter random code and YYYYYY is your account number
Your password is in the format: ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Please let me know if anything doesn't work right! The password is not changeable at present by players. To reiterate IT IS NOT CHANGEABLE so don't give it out. It's something that we're working on so I strongly advise you not give it out to anyone else. Note it's as close to fool-proof for receipt of turns and also sending out turns at the end of the day as we can make it at present.
All our players you have been assigned a webmail mailbox *. This is a website you can log into, and once you are logged in, you are actually on a machine in this office. See details above.
You can then click a button to submit your turn, and once you hit send you can know that the file is in this building - ie we have your turn. The system generates a receipt within about 15-30 seconds, for additional assurance. (You can click refresh if you're impatient but we advise just waiting a short period).
At the end of the day we run a process whereby your turns also appear in this mailbox every time your game runs, though we have not yet organised for the frontsheet to be attached. So you can also receive your turns here (so if email isn't working properly check here at the end of our working day - we'll try to put a reminder up.) At present we're not able to add the Front sheet - that's a future project.
The only time the system has a problem is if the webmail server itself goes down. This has happened about a few times a year, generally for a few hours until we know it is down and reboot it, generally when there's a power cut. The beauty of the system is that the user (ie you) who tries to log into the computer while it is down gets a 'website not found' error message and knows that the server is down, and can then use email or fax to send in the turn.
If you are interested in signing up for this we will send out your Password and User ID. Just email us requesting that information. It's more robust than sending in turns by emails but does take a little bit of learning. We advise players new to it to use both the webmail and the normal email/fax route that you are used to.
Don't give your password out! We will not change your password (to improve security on the webserver) to something you want, but we can assign you a fresh webmailbox if you accidentally give out your details to someone else. If you think you've been compromised then please contact us.
* New players and some returning players won't have a password at present. The guy dealing with it is off for a week (going to Italy) so we'll be able to provide those details within a week.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]