Fleet Footed
+1 movement point for all of your nations characters
Artefact Hoarder
Each character may carry seven artefacts
Light cavaly get +4 offence and steel waepons for free, but may not have armour.
High Born
2 rolls on the character generation/improvement table. You only get the best result
Child of Sauron
1 character on the roster can never truly die. There is a 20% cumulative chance of that character reappearing at the capital or place of death with his full ranks at no cost. This only occurs as long as you are not on 21 characters.
(DS Only)
Sneaky Elves
No roll is made for a character bonus. For every 5000 sna gold all characters in your roster always get 5 stealth.
(Elf only)
Characters are spotted more easily in your pop centres
Militia are more effective at blocking and dealing with agents. They also act against emmisaries trying to influence away population centres
Natural Foragers
Food requirements for your armies is reduced by 50%
20% reduced gold cost for capital infrastructure. That includes forts, bridges, harbor, ports, improving pops and making roads
You can name characters at up to 40, but with a maximum of 30 in any 1 skill.
I attach no cost to these SNAs as they have not been game tested in any way. Some of these ideas could also have the parameters of the bonus changed too.
As with some ablilities other people listed, I like their idea or concept, but would modify them slighty. Perhaps we could vote on the ideas generated and debate the costs and percantages at the end?
Regards All