New SNAs?

It would be nice to have the Great Kingdom especial orders: Road building and market manipulation.

KS should have them, but I suspect you mean the Kingdom orders for other nations in the game right?


Hi Ed- as always I’ll do what the players want. I have no personal ego associated with whatever you guys want to play. If players want to play a format that we can support then we’re happy to do that.

As they’re for 1000 (and KS) formats which you don’t play (nor for KS enjoy playing I suspect) then I’ve taken your feedback on board.


Bit busy with KS at present, but will look at getting the polls out shortly guys so that I can judge what you’d want us to develop.


Thanks Clint. I am going to interpret that as a promise not to engage in ‘logrolling’.

Be happy to try Kin Strife. If it is fun and/or creative I will play it a second time. Don’t care if it is an imitation of a misunderstanding of the original… Would like the original back. By now, some nine years later, I hope you have some understanding what the Miami game was about.

A couple I would like to see:

Guard at +20. Maybe Guard at 50 and Guard at Double as well, like the Scout/Recon SNAs. Would help offset the power of agents to wipe out entire armies with a single order, and be a possible alternative to the “Field Promotion” SNA someone else proposed.

Build War Machines for 1/2 usual timber cost. War machines good. Cheap war machines very good. :slight_smile:

Some additional ideas:

  1. ROADS ROADS ROADS! I would like to see an SNA that permits nations to build roads as Fourth Age kingdoms do. It would give some really fun potential permutations to the map in each FA game.

  2. How about an inverse K/A such that all characters are -20 to being killed/assassinated. Don’t know what to call it though.

  3. An SNA that specifically gives all troops a bonus to fight in a particular terrain type, makes all troops fight at 110% in that terrain type.

  4. It would be nice if there was some way for armies composed of lighter foot soldiers (archers, light infantry, men-at-arms) to be able to move faster through the non-plains terrain. Say, 3 through forest and desert, 4 through hills and swamp, 9 through mountains. Not really an SNA though, just a program modification.

  5. How about an SNA that would be a bonus to armies/navies moving stealthily?

  6. How about an SNA like the +20 to kill and assassinate, but for commanders doing command orders

  7. An SNA that when a mage learns (or starts with) a spell, its casting rank starts 20% higher than it would otherwise have.

  8. Assume one of the lost palantir was actually shattered into shards, possessed by the nation with the SNA, and each mage is automatically given a shard, so that all scry and divining spells are without any distance limit, automatically work, and have a +20% to the mage rank with regard to quality of information returned?

  9. Another non-SNA – would be great if sub-commanders could order a different tactic for a troop-type, e.g. army commander attacks enemy using charge, subcommander uses an order for the heavy infantry only to flank.

  10. An SNA having to do with the level of national feeling of a nation, so that army morale mods are +1 each turn over what they would have been, and enemy emissaries doing infother get 5 points less on the impact they have (assuming the order succeeds).


Yes, either those actions free to all nations, or you can “buy” acess to them with a SNA (or several SNA with diferent costs for each special action).

I like that, it would be a nice (if cheap) SNA. A +20 bonus to all that capital orders: Change tax, Change allegiance and upgrade/downgrade relations. Maybe you could put a 50% discount on Change capital order on the mix.

Here some more ideas:

  1. Relic Hunter: Bonus for fighting spirits and wraiths, and a bonus to find (order 900) or pick up (order 796) artifacts.

  2. Ultimate mage: Mages take less damage from casting 2 spells on the same turn.

  3. Builder: The nation may build fortifications, ports, harbors and bridges at 1/2 the usual timber cost. (a better and more expansive version of SNA 19)

I propose as a new SNA : Smith-abilities.

Like that if a nation have this ability their metal used in weapon or armor would have 50% better effect.

One more SNA in the same gate could be that weapon and armour made by a nation with special mithril-smith-ability would have 100% better effect.

(Smith is a typical english family name. I belewe it means this old profession making things of iron or other metals. Right?)

Is this thread still open? Is anyone working on putting together version 1.0 of the master list, so far, of these suggestions?

Some additional suggestions:

Caesar-Speed: Light cavalry move more quickly: 3 hexes for forest, 2 hexes for hills, 1 hex for desert, 10 hexes for mountains

(Elves Only) Stronger Bows, I believe Galadriel gave one to Legolas? gives archers an offense of 8 instead of 6.

(Dark Servants only): Terrorized Armies, allows armies without food to move full speed, with extra loss of morale.

Hey Clint, if you do a poll, maybe should include not only people’s preferences but what they think the new SNA should cost?

BTW, sorry to offer a suggestion that complicates the system, but it seems to me that some SNA’s should only count for 1/2 an SNA in the count of being allowed only 4.<g>

One more SNA, but probably too complicated to implement “Learn Terrain”: the scout/scry hex order permits the nation to learn the easiest way to cross the target hex, e.g. passes through hills&mountains, river fords, solid footing in the desert, forest clearings, etc. so that troops from that one nation can move through the hex in 2/3 the speed from then on.

Just want to say that the SNA’s I favor the most are the ones that change the familiar dynamic. I really liked the suggestion for (was it) small-keeled boats, allowing transports to move up minor rivers, really changes the strategic thinking! That’s why I suggested “Caesar-Speed”, I like the idea that light cavalry could move faster & farther, which would mean everyone reconsidering their ideas of strongholds and strategies.

I’m on a roll:

Reinforced Bulwarks: Ship defense goes up to 4 (or even 5)

Spell “Conjure Vermin”, average difficulty, dark servants only, cast from within six hexes upon a hex or an army commander, causes some percentage (based on mage rank) food and/or leather stores to be spoiled.

Spell “Move Unseen”, hard, allows a mage with an army to shield 50 troops per points of mage rank from being seen and stopped by other armies&fortifications.

Silver-Tongue (Dark Servants only), allows navy with an emissary to have a chance (based on emissary rank) of automatically recruit pirates met in open seas encounters

Keep them coming Jeremy… :slight_smile:


Expert Miners (Dwarf only) generates +20% production of bronze, steel, mithril and gold
Expert Foresters (Elves&Men?) generates +30% production of timber

Well, it is two weeks short of two years since I promised Clint I would play KS. About seven years, I think, since we first heard about it. When will it be ready for ‘prime time’?